Sunday, November 7, 2010

State Results - End of the season meeting

Last Saturday the Cross Country season officially came to an end with the Missouri State Cross Country Championships in Jefferson City. Racing condiitons were ideal with cool temps, a dry course and as much fanfare as you can imagine. Our lone competitor made the best of her final race and bettered her time from last year by a large margin. Congratulations Hannah on a excellent race and season!

While racing for the season is now over, the Pirate Cross Country season doesn't offically end until we have our awards banquet on November 22. This thursday (Nov. 11) during contact time we will have one final meeting in Coach Fader's room (G114) to go over awards night information, discuss winter running, handout winter training logs, and a few other odds and ends. This is also the time to get those sweats and uniforms turned in if you have not already. Remember you can not recieve your award if your uniform uniform/sweats are not returned.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

The State Meet, Awards Night and other super important end of the season details

Another great season has almost come to an end, but there are some very important details to go over before we can call this journey complete. Everything I can think to tell you about the end of the season follows. Please pass this info on to your teammates to make sure it gets out to everyone.

-State Meet - Congrats to Hannah for qualifying. While we can't shuttle everyone down to Jefferson City, if you can arrange a ride feel free to join us at the meet and cheer on Hannah as she competes against the best runers in the state.
Missouri State Championship Info.
Race Times: class 4 girls: 9:00 am (Hannah's Race), class 4 boys: 10:15 am
Location -Oak Hills Golf center, 932 Ellis Blvd, Jefferson City, MO 65101
Directions: take 70 west, then US 54 West to the Ellis Blvd exit, take a left on Ellis Blvd and go straight over the overpass and a couple miles down you will find the course on your right- Parking is where ever you can find it.
MSHSAA website with State meet info

-Awards Night
2010 Cross Country Awards Information
What ?
An evening to celebrate the Cross Country season, share memories, present awards, plan for the future, and a slide show to wrap it all up. We will enjoy pizza and a few desserts while giving out the awards.
When ?
Monday, November 22 beginning at 6:00pm.
Tentative Schedule
6:00-7:00 Individual awards, senior speeches, special awards
7:00-8:00 move to auditorium for slide show
Where ?
Meet in the PHS cafeteria for eats and awards. We will move to the Auditorium for the slide show after the awards. (No food/drink in the auditorium, please)
What should I do?
- Show up with family and friends
- bring your fun award for your designated team member (ask Coach Fader if unsure who that is)
- bring a dessert (optional)
Nice, but casual
**You must have turned in your sweats and uniform to receive your award! **
Most importantly, even though this XC season may be over, RUN for your life!

-Harvest Run- Drummond Elementary is looking for a few volunteers to help with their Harvest Run. A few of you mentioned that you were interested. The Coaches will have already left for the state meet, so arrangements to attend are your responsibility (arrangements to miss school and a ride to Drummond). The run is scheduled for Friday Nov. 5th from 1:00-3:00pm.

- Uniforms and sweats should be clean and turned in to Coach Fader in Room G114 by November 9th. They must be handed directly to Coach Fader by you or delivered to room G114 in a bag with a tag clearly identifying your name. DO NOT give to Coach Lamb or leave unlabeled bags of sweats/uniforms in my room when I'm not around.

- Team Members and Parents - Soon it will be time to assemble a slide show for the Awards night. I will gladly provide a disc if anyone has photos from the season they would like to share by burning a copy. I could also use some music suggestions ( unless ya like that "old guy" stuff I listen too..I can promise some banjo!)

That about does it. See ya out on the roads and are still running right...remember we do this because it's FUN.. and this is one of the best times of the year to be outside running. Enjoy!

Sectional Results

Saturday mornings, grassy parks, changing leaves, cool temps (well actually a little warmer than normal), and hard racing are the essentials of a perfect cross country meet and all were present this past weekend at our sectional meet. The races were fast and our three Sectional competitors gave their best shot at qualifying for the state meet. Congratulations to Geri and Sean for the completion of an excellent season. Big Congrats also to Hannah as she has qualified for the second year in a row to compete next weekend in the Missouri State Championships! Best Wishes at State Hannah!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

District Meet Results

All good things must come to an end... or so it is said. The District meet proved to be the end of the season for both of our Varsity teams this year. However, both teams ran well (and without any major tragedies), which is the best we can ask for on any day. While we may not be advancing as a team our spirit moves on through three individuals who ran exceedingly well to qualify for the Sectional meet. Congrats to Hannah, Geri and Sean and good luck next week at Sectionals!

News of the Week: Oct. 25-30, 2010

Practice Week of Oct. 25-30
Daily Practice time is 2:30-5:25 mon-thurs and 2:30 -4:50 on *fridays (unless noted otherwise)- Always meet at the stadium * The activity bus only runs at 5:00pm on friday
Mon. 25th - drive to Creve Coeur (upper level) If short on drivers we may stay on campus.
Tues. 26th - PHS campus (finished by 4:15 bus)
Wed. 27th - Findley Memorial Inv.- bus to Forest park (details below) JV boys race, everyone else practice and support- estimating return to PHS 6:15-6:30pm
Thurs 28th - Practice for Sectional Qualifiers only.
Friday 29th - No practice - rest up for Sectional
Saturday 30th- Sectional 2 Meet (Details Below)-All team members are invited to ride the bus.

MEET INFO. for the week:
Findley Memorial JV and Freshman Invitational:
Only boys will race: Sectional qualifiers will practice and everyone else will support our runners in the race.
Date: Wednesday Oct. 27
Location: Forest Park - Central fields (same location as the Forest Park XC Festival)
Time: 4:30 Freshman boys race, 5:10 JV boys race
Awards: Both races: 2 team trophies and 40 medals (top 10 awarded after race)
Return to PHS: approximately 6:45 -7:00 pm
Directions: The race course is located on the Central Ball Fields in Forest Park. From PHS take HWY 70 east to HWY 170 south then go east on Forest Park Parkway. You can take the parkway all the way to Forest park and enter just as you cross over Lindell. Once in the park make a quick left on Grand (over a small bridge) and you will be facing the Central Fields. Veer left onto Jefferson OR right onto Union and find a parking spot.

Sectional 2 Meet - only Sectional qualifiers race (Sean, Hannah and Geri)
The top 30 individuals and top 4 teams advance to the State meet.
Saturday October 30
Location: McNair Park
Time Schedule:
Bus leaves PHS stadium at 8:30 am (be there by 8:20am) All team members are invited to ride the bus.
Varsity Girls 10:00
Varsity Boys 10:45
Awards Ceremony 11:45 (30 medals in each race, team plaque for 1st place)
Return to PHS about 1:00 pm
Driving Directions to McNair Park:
I-70 west
Take the First Capital exit and turn right off the exit ramp
Left on West Clay
Right on Droste
Follow Droste until you see the park entrance on the right.

Important dates and end of season announcements:

- Saturday, November 6th - Missouri State Cross Country Meet - Oak Hills Golf Course, Jefferson City

- Monday, November 22nd - PHS Cross Country Awards Night 6-8pm
Don't forget to put together a "special award" for the teammate you selected. Coaches may be able to help if you need ideas. Also, If you can not attend the awards night please notify Coach Fader so we can arrange to have your person still receive a special award.

- Uniforms and sweats should be clean and turned in to Coach Fader in Room G114 by November 9th. They must be handed directly to Coach Fader by you or delivered to room G114 in a bag with a tag clearly identifying your name. DO NOT give to Coach Lamb or leave unlabeled bags of sweats/uniforms in my room when I'm not around.

- Team Members and Parents - Soon it will be time to assemble a slide show for the Awards night. I will gladly provide a disc if anyone has photos from the season they would like to share by burning a copy. I could also use some music suggestions ( unless ya like that "old guy" stuff I listen too..I can promise some banjo!)

- Conference Pics are posted. Click the link in the sidebar. Thanks Ms. W!

- Even though your season may be over -Don't give up on the blog next week for one more post about Sectional results and awards night details!

Quote of the week:
"You must look within for value, but must look beyond for perspective." Denis Waitley

Sunday, October 17, 2010

News of the Week: Oct. 18 - 23

Practice Week of Oct. 18-23
Daily Practice time is 2:30-5:25 mon-thurs and 2:30 -4:50 on *fridays (unless noted otherwise)- Always meet at the stadium * The activity bus only runs at 5:00pm on friday
Mon. 18th - Bus to Faust Park
Tues. 19th - PHS campus (finished by 4:15 bus)
Wed. 20th - Finn Dawg Inv.- bus to Kirkwood park (details below) JV girls race, everyone else practice and support- estimating return to PHS 6:15-6:30pm
Thurs 21th
- Bus to McNair Park
Friday 22th - No practice - rest up for District
Saturday 23th- District 4 Meet (Details Below)

MEET INFO. for the week:

Finn Dawg Invitational: Only JV girls will race: All Boys and the Varsity Girls team will practice at the park and support our runners in the race.
Date: Wednesday Oct. 20
Location: Kirkwood Park
Time: 4:30 JV girls race
Awards: 25 medals (medals awarded in the chute)
Return to PHS: approximately 6:15- 6:30pm
Directions to Kirkwood park:
270 South to Dougherty Ferry
Go Left (east) on Dougherty Ferry
Right on Geyer
The park will be on the right, off Geyer.

District 4 Meet - (only Varsity teams will race)
The top 30 individuals and top 4 teams qualify for the Sectional meet.
: Saturday October 23
Location: McNair Park
Time Schedule:
Bus leaves PHS stadium at 8:30 am (be there by 8:20am)
Varsity Girls 10:00
Varsity Boys 10:45
Awards Ceremony 11:45 (30 medals in each race, team plaque for 1st place)
Return to PHS about 1:00 pm

Driving Directions to McNair Park:
I-70 west
Take the First Capital exit and turn right off the exit ramp
Left on West Clay
Right on Droste
Follow Droste until you see the park entrance on the right.

Important dates for the remainder of the 2010 XC season
Wednesday, Oct. 27 - Findley Memorial Invitational - Forest Park ,Only JV/Freshman Boys (no Varsity members) will race and this will be the final race of the season for those groups
Note: All Boys and Girls team members not racing in the meets on Oct. 20th and 28th are expected to attend the meets and support the team as well as come to daily practice to enjoy some relaxed running. Wednesday Oct. 28th will be the last day of practice for all team members other than Sectional Qualifiers.
Saturday, Oct. 30 - Sectional meet - McNair Park
Saturday, November 6th - Missouri State Cross Country Meet - Oak Hills Golf Course, Jefferson City
Monday, November 22nd - PHS Cross Country Awards Night 6-8pm

- Uniforms and sweats should be clean and turned in to Coach Fader in Room G114 by November 9th. They must be handed directly to Coach Fader by you or delivered to room G114 in a bag with a tag clearly identifying your name. DO NOT give to Coach Lamb or leave unlabeled bags of sweats/uniforms in my room when I'm not around.

- Team Members and Parents - Soon it will be time to assemble a slide show for the Awards night. I will gladly provide a disc if anyone has photos from the season they would like to share by burning a copy. I could also use some music suggestions ( unless ya like that "old guy" stuff I listen too)

- Team members- don't forget to put together a "special award" for the teammate you selected. Coaches may be able to help if you need ideas. Also, If you can not attend the awards banquet please notify Coach Fader so we can arrange to have your person still receive a special award.

- Conference Pics are posted. Click the link in the sidebar. Thanks Ms. W!

Quote of the week: " Kill the snake of doubt in your soul, crush the worms of fear in your heart and mountains will move out of your way.".. Kate Seredy

WooHoo! Congrats Pirate Runners!

WOW! What a great day to race for the Suburban North Conference Championships. Perfect conditions, a fast course and (to paraphrase one of your teammates)" a mighty Pirate vibe" led to a day worthy of all your hard work this season. Individually most of the team ran PRs. That alone would be good news.. but there's more..

First off.. Congratulations to the Girls Varsity team for continuing the winning streak in the SNC Championships! Not only that but the team had a perfect Score this year(top 5 scoring runners in first 5 places)improving on last years finish which was only missing two spots. Awesome!
Congratulations also to Geri Farrell who is this years SNC girls Varsity Champion!

But wait ....the good news doesn't end there. The JV girls also repeated their team victory. Katie B. ran her legs off (well you know...not actually off) to finish her best race of the year and claim the JV girls win. Outstanding work Girls! Congratulations.

On the Boys side we have seen our team improve by a large margin since last year. Placing fourth in the SNC boys Varsity race was great considering last year we were barely able to field a team. Sean Z. cranked out a very tough race to claim a spot in the top 10 and earn All- Conference.
The JV boys also ran well and proved that what really matters is the combined effort of each individual on the team, which in this case was outstanding. So while we don't have winning team scores to report we do have excellent efforts and lots of potential for growth in the future. Excellent work boys!

Enjoy your success, but never be completely satisfied...We're not done yet..and you can still run faster!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

News of the week: October 11 - 16

Practice Week of Oct. 11-16
Daily Practice time is 2:30-5:25 mon-thurs and 2:30 -4:50 on *fridays (unless noted otherwise)- Always meet at the stadium * The activity bus only runs at 5:00pm on friday
Mon. 11th - Bus to DuSable Park- St. Charles
Tues. 12th - Drive to Apple Tree
Wed. 13th - Bus to Koch Park
Thurs 14th - Drive to Creve Coeur Upper
Friday 15th - Varsity only practice at PHS, finished by 4:15
Saturday 16th- Suburban North Conference Meet (Details Below)

Suburban North Conference Meet - Oct. 16th
Meet at the stadium at 7:20am, Bus leaves at 7:30
Koch Park
Race Schedule
9:15 Varsity Girls (15 medals)
10:00 Varsity Boys (15 medals)
10:35 JV Boys and Girls (common start, boys and girls will be sorted at finish line)

Directions to Koch Park:
- take 27o east/north
- exit at McDonnell and turn left off exit ramp
- McDonnell becomes Howdershell - stay straight
Koch Park is located at the corner of Charbonier and Howdershell - Turn left onto Charbonier and then another left into the park.

Important dates for the remainder of the 2010 XC season
Wednesday, Oct. 20 - Finn Dawg Inv. - Kirkwood park Only JV/Freshman Girls (no Varsity members) will race and this will be the final race of the season for those groups. (See Note below)
Saturday, Oct. 23- District meet - McNair Park

Wednesday, Oct. 28 Boys - Findley Memorial Invitational - Forest Park Only JV/Freshman Boys (no Varsity members) will race and this will be the final race of the season for those groups

Note: All Boys and Girls team members not racing in the meets on Oct. 20th and 28th are expected to attend the meets and support the team as well as come to daily practice to enjoy some relaxed running. Wednesday Oct. 28th will be the last day of practice for all team members other than Sectional Qualifiers.
Saturday, Oct. 30 - Sectional meet - McNair Park
Saturday, November 6th - Missouri State Cross Country Meet - Oak Hills Golf Course, Jefferson City
Monday, November 22nd - PHS Cross Country Awards Night 6-8pm

Other Announcements:
- Pictures from the Hazelwood West meet and Ron Jorgenson Inv. are posted on the PHS pics site. Just click the button in the side bar.
- Bring sweats and extra clothes to practice everyday.- I know the weather has been nice lately, but it won't take much to change so be prepared for cool temps or rain everyday.

Quote of the Week:
'A good athlete always mentally replays a competition over and over, even in victory, to see what might be done to improve the performance the next time.'
Frank Shorter

Sunday, October 3, 2010

News of the Week: October 4-9

Practice Week of Oct. 4-9
Daily Practice time is 2:30-5:25 mon-thurs and 2:30 -4:50 on *fridays (unless noted otherwise)- Always meet at the stadium * The activity bus only runs at 5:00pm on friday
Mon. 4th - Bus to Hamburg trail (Weldon Springs)
Tues. 5th - Drive to Creve Coeur Upper level
Wed. 6th - PHS Campus.... finished by 4:15 activity bus (parent/ teacher conferences)
Thurs 7th - PHS Campus...finished by 4:15 activty bus (parent/teacher conferences)
Friday 8th - No School - (optional special practice) "Apple Run" - meet at PHS at 7:30am -Coaches will drive all to Pere Marquette State Park for some trail running and hills of epic proportion. Distance will be adjusted based on ability level. After our run we will drive to nearby Eckert's Orchard (or possibly a different orchard) in Grafton and enjoy some post run apple picking and munching. Some apples will be purchased for all, but bring money if you wish to have some extra for yourself. We will return to the high school around 12:30.
Bring an extra t-shirt/dry clothes to change into after our run (there is a lodge at the park to change) and money if you wish to purchase extra apples for yourself or anything else at Eckerts.

Saturday 9th- (Required Event) Pattonville Middle School Meet at PHS.
This is our chance to be on the other side of the race course and support the middle school XC program. Hopefully, many of these runners may be your teammates next year. We are hosting the meet so your attendance and help is required. We will also have a workout after the meet is over. Details will be provided at practice this week.
Middle School Meet Times
8:15 am - Meet at the stadium
9:00 -Boys race
15 min after boys race (9:45ish?) Girls Race
10:30 Awards and we start our workout
Approx 12:00- Finish- Enjoy your weekend

Important dates for the remainder of the 2010 XC season
Saturday, Oct. 16 - Surburban North Conference Meet - Koch Park
Wednesday, Oct. 20 - Finn Dawg Inv. - Kirkwood park Only JV/Freshman Girls (no Varsity members) will race and this will be the final race of the season for those groups.
Saturday, Oct. 23- District meet - McNair Park
Wednesday, Oct. 28 Boys - Findley Memorial Invitational - Forest Park Only JV/Freshman Boys (no Varsity members) will race and this will be the final race of the season for those groups
Note: All Boys and Girls team members not racing in the meets on Oct. 20th and 28th are expected to attend the meets and support the team as well as practice. Wednesday Oct. 28th will be the last day of practice for all team members other than Sectional Qualifiers.
Saturday, Oct. 30 - Sectional meet - McNair Park
Saturday, November 6th - Missouri State Cross Country Meet - Oak Hills Golf Course, Jefferson City
Monday, November 22nd - PHS Cross Country Awards Night 6-8pm

Quote of the week: "I run because it's so symbolic of life. You have to drive yourself to overcome the obstacles. You might feel that you can't. But then you find your inner strength, and realize you're capable of so much more than you thought."
--Arthur Blank

Saturday, September 25, 2010

News for the week- Sept. 27- Oct. 2

Practice Week of Sept. 27- Oct.1
Daily Practice time is 2:30-5:25 mon-thurs and 2:30 -4:50 on *fridays (unless noted otherwise)- Always meet at the stadium * The activity bus only runs at 5:00pm on friday
Mon. 27th - drive to Creve Coeur park
Tues. 28th - bus to McNair park for tri meet with Fort Zumwalt East and Villa Duchesne - not your average meet - details at practice
Wed. 29th - Bus to Queeny Park - tour the course
Thurs. 30th - PHS campus
Fri. Oct. 1st -Ron Jorgenson Inv. - meet at stadium at 2:30 as usual, details below
Sat. Oct. 2nd- PHS Homecoming

Ron Jorgenson Memorial Invitational
Queeny Park
Date: Friday Oct. 1
Race Schedule: (All races are 5K)
4:00 Fresh Boys
4:30 JV Girls
5:00 JV Boys
5:30 Varsity Girls
6:00 Varsity Boys
6:30 Awards

Directions to Queeny Park:
- South Hwy 270
- West Hwy 40
- Exit on 141 south (also called Woods Mill Road ) go 1 1/2 miles to Clayton
- Exit on Clayton and go left 1/2 mile to Weidmann.
- Turn right on Weidmann Rd. The main park entrance is 2 1/2 miles down on your left. It is marked clearly with a sign.
Inside the park take the first left and the race will start near the upper parking lot.

Upcoming Events
Friday Oct. 8th - No school and "Apple Run" (optional)
Meet in the morning at the high school and car pool to Pere Marquette state park for a trail run. Afterwards we will go to Eckert’s Orchard to pick apples. We will return to the high school in the late afternoon. This could turn into a "pumpkin run"with an alternate location if apples are in short supply this late in the season.

Saturday Oct. 9th - Pattonville Middle School XC meet - We are running off the meet and will also have a workout. Attendance is required.

Saturday Oct. 16th - Conference Meet at Koch Park

Quotes of the week: (making up for last week) Both are from Lance Armstrong.
“Pain is temporary. It may last a minute, or an hour, or a day, or a year, but eventually it will subside and something else will take its place. If I quit, however, it lasts forever.”

“Anything is possible. You can be told that you have a 90-percent chance or a 50-percent chance or a 1-percent chance, but you have to believe, and you have to fight.”

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Updated-2010 Cross Country Meet Schedule

Due to a few changes in meet structure and dates, I have had to make a few adjustments to our original meet schedule. Also included are locations for the championship meets at the end of the season. Below is an updated schedule for the remainder of the Cross Country season. All changes and updates are written in italics.

Wed. Sept. 22 - We will not attend the Hazelwood Feshman/Sophmore Meet originally scheduled for this date. We will have regular practice instead.
Fri. Sept. 24 - Hazelwood West Inv. (Koch Park)
Tues. Sept. 28 - PHS/FZE/Villa tri meet (McNair Park)
Fri. Oct. 1 - Ron Jorgenson Inv. (Queeny Park)
Sat. Oct. 9- Pattonville Middle Schools XC Meet(high School) -NOT a race for us,but attendance is required. We will have a practice and team members are expected to help run off the meet.
Sat. Oct. 16 -Conference Meet -(Koch Park)
Wed. Oct. 20 -Finn Dawg Inv. Girls (Kirkwood park) (please note new date)
Sat. Oct. 23 -District - (McNair Park)
Wed. Oct 27 (Tentative) Findley Inv. Boys (Forest Park)
Sat. Oct.30 Sectional - (McNair Park)
Sat. Nov. 6 State Meet (Jefferson City)

Saturday meets typically start at 9:00 am and school day meets typically begin at 4:00pm
Specifics for each meet will be posted on the blog at least 1 week prior to the meet.

Special Events
Saturday Sept. 25 (Optional)– Katy Trail Community Service work day. 8:30am – 12:30pm We will meet at the high school and car pool to the Katy trail to help the St. Charles Parks Dept. clear honeysuckle from the area around the trail.

Friday, October 8 – (Optional)“Apple Run” We will meet in the morning at the high school and car pool over to Pere Marquette state park for a trail run. Afterwards we will go to Eckert’s Orchard to pick apples. This could turn into a "pumpkin run" if apples are in short supply this late in the season. We will return to the high school in the late afternoon. Watch the blog for details this October.

November 22 - Cross Country Awards Night -(rescheduled from original date of Nov. 23) Details to come.

News for the week: September 20-25

Practice Week of Sept.20- Sept. 25
Daily Practice time is 2:30-5:25 mon-thurs and 2:30 -4:50 on *fridays (unless noted otherwise)- Always meet at the stadium * The activity bus only runs at 5:00pm on friday
Mon. 20th - drive to O'connor Park
Tues. 21st - drive to Creve Coeur upper level
Wed. 22rd - drive to Vago
Thurs. 23th - High School - Varsity only - no practice for teh rest of the team
Fri. 24th - Hazelwood West Inv. at Koch Park (details below) Bus leaves stadium at 2:35
Saturday 25th - (optional)Katy Trail Community Service Opportunity 8:30-12:30 - Meet at PHS at 8:30 - carpool to Katy trail near the page extension bridge. We will help the St. Charles Parks Dept. clear honeysuckle from the area around the trail from 9-12pm. We should be back at PHS by 12:30. They provide gloves, insect spray and safety glasses, but bring your own if you prefer. Make sure to wear durable footwear, long pants and long sleeves (cotton is fine). We are bringing a cooler for water, but make sure to bring a bottle just as we do in practice.

Meet Information this week:
Due to changes in the location and structure of the meet we will not attend the Hazelwood Freshman/Sophomore meet originally scheduled for Sept. 22.

Hazelwood West Invitational - Friday Sept. 24
Location: Koch Park
Bus Leaves Stadium immediately after school at 2:35. We will not make it back for the activty bus, please make arrangements for a ride home from school after the meet.

Race times:
4:00 Varsity Boys
4:30 Varsity Girls
5:00 Junior Varisty Boys
5:30 Junior Varsity Girls

Directions to Koch Park:
- take 27o east/north
- exit at McDonnell and turn left off exit ramp
- McDonnell becomes Howdershell - stay straight
Koch Park is located at the corner of Charbonier and Howdershell - Turn left onto Charbonier and then another left into the park.

-SWEATS - While this week looks to be a bit warm, cool and rainy days will come soon enough. Be prepared and bring extra socks/shirt and sweats from here on out. As it gets cooler hats and gloves will also be necessary. Please remember meet sweats are only for meets. Don't spend a fortune on sweats, any nylon sweats from Target, Kohls or Walmart will work great. You can get cotton garden gloves for $1.00 at most stores and I found a great hat myself for two bucks at walmart.

- MEET Attendance- If for some reason you can not attend a meet (and it needs to be a really good reason), please let Coach Fader know in writing as soon as possible. An email or simply a hand written note is fine. This is important in terms of me remembering and also a critical factor when entering meets.

-Meet Schedule Changes- There have been a few changes to the meet schedule. Please see the next blog post which has a updated schedule for the rest for the season.

-Race Photos- pics from the Forest Park Festival and Freshman/Sophmore meet last week have been posted to our photo site. Check em' out by clicking the PHS Cross Country Pics link on the sidebar of this blog. Thanks again to Mr. H for the fine photography.

Upcoming Events:
Sept. 28th - PHS/FZE/Villa Duchesne tri meet- not really a good one to watch- details at practice
October 1st- Ron Jorgeson Inv. - Queeny Park

Sunday, September 12, 2010

News for the week: Sept. 13-18

Practice Week of Sept.13- Sept. 17
Daily Practice time is 2:30-5:25 mon-thurs and 2:30 -4:50 on *fridays (unless noted otherwise)- Always meet at the stadium * The activity bus only runs at 5:00pm on friday
Mon. 13th - Split groups. Fresh/soph stay on campus and done by 4:15. Jr./Sr. drive to Creve Coeur Falls for workout.
Tues. 14th - Pattonville/St. Charles West Freshman Sophmore meet at McNair Park- meet at stadium immediately after school for a bus to the park. JV and Varsity will practice at park and help with the meet. (details below)
Wed. 15th - Creve Coeur Upper level by tennis courts (drive)
Thurs. 16th - Apple tree Park (drive)
Friday 17th - High School- finish before 5:00 activity bus

Tuesday Sept. 14 - PHS/SCW Freshman/Sophmore meet at McNair Park (2 miles)
2:30 Bus leaves from stadium at usual practice time.
4:00 Sophomore Girls
4:30 Sophmore Boys
5:00 Freshman Girls
5:30 Freshman Boys

Awards: top 20 in each race

Hwy 70 west
Take the First Capital exit and turn right off the exit ramp
Left on West Clay
Right on Droste
Follow Droste until you see the park entrance on the right.

Saturday, September 19 - Edwardsville Invitational at SIUE
Be at the High School stadium by 7:00am
Bus leaves at 7:15am
Check out a video of the course here: It's a great course...wooded, rolling hills, fast, and lots of fun. By the way, "Mud Mtn" is MUCH smaller and easier than the gravel hill at Creve Coeur.

Race Times:
9:00 Varsity Boys
9:45 Varsity Girls
10:30 Frosh/Soph Boys
11:15 JV Girls
12:00 Open

Course Distance : all races will be 5k

-top 25 individuals in each race
-3 team awards for varsity races
-1 team award for fresh/soph and Girls JV races

I- 270 east to I-255 North
I-255 to New Poag Road exit
Turn right on New Poag road (drive 2 miles or so to the first stop light)
Turn right on North University Drive, the course will be on your right shortly.
Parking is on the left across from the course. ( Just FYI - Meet information states cars parked along the side of the road other than specified parking areas will be ticketed)

QUOTE OF THE WEEK: If you want a place in the sun, you will have to expect some blisters.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

News for the Week: Sept. 6-11

Practice Week of Sept.6- Sept. 10
Daily Practice time is 2:30-5:25 mon-thurs and 2:30 -4:50 on *fridays (unless noted otherwise)- Always meet at the stadium * The activity bus only runs at 5:00pm on friday
Mon. 6th- Labor Day - Enjoy a distance run on your own. A good day to hit the trails. Or- if you are up to running 6-8 miles you can meet Coach K at the green caboose in Frontier park (St. Charles riverfront) at 7:30 am
Tues. 7th - Creve Coeur Park -upper level (driving)
Wed. 8th - Forest Park (bus) Tour the course for the Forest Park XC festival
Thurs. 9th - Apple Tree Park (driving) Hint: Even pace wins the race!
Fri. 10th - PHS campus- finished by 4:15 (activity bus only runs at 5:00 on fridays)

Saturday Sept. 11th - Forest Park XC Festival
Location: Forest Park Central Ball Fields - Directions below
Times: Meet at the stadium no later than 6:45am (tardiness may mean missing the bus)
Bus leaves for the meet at 7:00am sharp.

Pattonville is in the "White Division" for all races, only our race times are listed below.
8:10 JV Girls (4k)
9:20 JV Boys (5k)
10:30 Varsity Girls (5k)
11:30 Varsity Boys (5k)
12:40 Freshman Girls (3k)
1:00 Freshman Boys (3k)
2:00 Awards

Directions: The race course is located on the Central Ball Fields in Forest Park. From PHS take HWY 70 east to HWY 170 south then go east on Forest Park Parkway. You can take the parkway all the way to Forest park and enter just as you cross over Lindell. Once in the park make a quick left on Grand (over a small bridge) and you will be facing the Central Fields. Veer left onto Jefferson OR right onto Union and find a parking spot.

Tuesday Sept. 14 - Pattonville-St. Charles West Fresh/Soph meet at McNair Park 4:00pm
Saturday Sept. 18 - Edwardsville Invitational at SIUE 9:00am

News: New pictures from the Fleet Feet kickoff are posted on the photo site- find the "PHS Cross Country pics" link in the sidebar. Thanks again to our parent photographers for the pics.

Quote of the week:" Not doing more than the average is what keeps the average down." - William M. Winans

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Green and White Meet

Last Wednesday's inter squad Green and White Meet kicked off our racing season. The team excitedly embraced the challenge of the hilly 2 mile course with many outstanding efforts on a beautiful august evening. In continuing the traditional style of our G&W meet, the race was handicapped with the fastest members of the team starting last. Coach Kern did an outstanding job with the predictions (we compared his prediction times to the results afterward) to level out the field for a competitive race amongst the entire team. Congrats to this years Green and White champion Riley A.
Thanks to parent photographers Mr. H and Ms. W you can see pictures of the meet here:

News for the week: August 30-Sept. 6

Practice Week of Aug. 30- Sept. 4
Daily Practice time is 2:30-5:25 mon-thurs and 2:30 -4:50 on *fridays (unless noted otherwise)- Always meet at the stadium * The activity bus only runs at 5:00pm on friday
Mon. 30th- High School - Workout /Race info/ uniforms to those still in need-practice over by 4:15 activity Bus
Tues. 31st - Fleet Feet Kickoff Meet - meet at stadium at 2:30 for Bus (meet details below)
Wed. 1st - carpool to Creve Coeur Upper area
Thurs. 2nd - carpool to Vago park.
Fri. 3rd - carpool to Creve Coeur (Falls) (return to PHS by 4:50)

Labor day weekend workouts: for those who wish to be the best they can be
Returning runners do a tempo run and core/strength exercises
New runners - conversation pace run 3 miles plus core/strength exercises
Sunday: Off- rest day
Monday (Labor Day): - a good day for some trail running!
Returning runners: long run, conversation pace.
New Runners - standard distance run (2-3 miles)

Fleet Feet XC Kickoff Information:
Check out the website at:
See a short video of last years meet here:
Location: Quail Ridge Park in St. Charles County
Date: Tuesday August 31
2:35 Bus leaves PHS
4:15 JV Girls
4:45 JV Boys
5:15 Varsity Girls
5:15 Varsity Boys
6:15 Pizza Party/Awards
7:00ish Bus leaves for PHS
7:30-7:45ish - arrive back at PHS (stadium lot)

Directions to Quail Ridge Park:
-I-70 west
-Exit onto 40/61 south
-At the first stop light Callahan Rd. turn right
-Then make an immediate right on to Quail Ridge Parkway
- The park entrance is approximately 3/4 mile on the left
- Stay straight after the entrance and drive to the back of the park.
Drive time approximately 30 minutes from 70&270

Upcoming Meets:
-Forest Park XC festival -Sept. 11
-Pattonville/Saint Charles West Fresh/Soph meet- Tues Sept. 14 (we put this one on)

Other News:
**Attention all team members: with the race coming up tuesday, Coach Kern has posted an excellent list of "Racing Principles" on his blog. Hit the "CK-ON COURSE" link on the side bar to check it out.... Consider it required reading...

Girls' Cross Country Team Dinner:
When: Sunday, August 29, 2010 at 6 p.m.
Where: Elise M's house (e-mail her for directions at
What to bring:
Freshman: Fruit and veggies
Sophomores and Juniors: Drinks (non-carbonated juices, lemonade, tea, etc.)
Seniors: A loaf of your favorite bread and a dessert
If you have any questions, e-mail Elise!

Quote of the week:
Sit as little as possible. Give no credence to any thought not born outdoors while moving about freely. - Friedrich Nietzsche

Sunday, August 22, 2010

A few more announcements..and dates to remember

In addition to the previous post with this weeks schedule, I have 3 more bits of news to share with the team. (and Parents)

We have added a new meet to our schedule that was left off the original list. On Tues. Sept. 14 we will host a Fresh/Soph meet with St. Charles West at 4:00pm in McNair Park. Hopefully, we will have a lot of schools attend and team members who are not racing are expected to help with running off the meet.

My second announcement concerns two other special events this season that are optional, but should be lots of fun:
Saturday Sept. 25 – Katy Trail Community Service work day. 8:00am – 12:00pm We will meet at the high school and car pool to the Katy trail to help the St. Charles Parks Dept. clear honeysuckle from the area around the trail.
Friday, October 8 – “Apple Run” We will meet in the morning at the high school and car pool over to Pere Marquette state park for a trail run. Afterwards we will go to Eckert’s Orchard to pick apples. We will returnto the high school in the late afternoon. Watch the blog for details this October.

Finally, I would like to share some information on the Pattonville Athlectic & Activiites Foundation (P2AF) Their "purpose and mission is to create more and enhanced opportunities for our students in the areas of athlectics and activities." Check out their website for more information

That does it ...thanks for reading.
Coach F

Saturday, August 21, 2010

News for the week: August 23-28

Practice Week of Aug. 23-27
Daily Practice time is 2:30-5:25 mon-thurs and 2:30 -4:50 on *fridays(unless noted otherwise)- Always meet at the stadium * The activity bus only runs at 5:00pm on friday

Mon. 23th - Bus to Busch Wildlife
Do you still need to buy a team shirt? You will need it for team pictures on tuesday.
Picture forms will be sent home at practice and should be returned with your payment tomorrow for anyone wanting to purchase individual or team pictures.

Tues. 24th - Team Picture before practice- practice on campus
Wear - your team T-shirt and black shorts
Bring - photo order form and $ if buying photos
Also, if you do not yet have a uniform, make sure to ask coach for one today.

Wed. 25th - Green and White Meet. Meet at the Stadium at 4:30. Details below.

Thurs. 26 - Bus to Quail Ridge park to tour course for our first meet.

Fri. 27 - Carpool to Creve Coeur park- Practice finished by 4:50 to catch 5:00 Activity Bus

Green and White Meet Details
PHS campus 2 mile course- meet at the Track
Wear: uniform, but bring sweats to get in the habit and just in case.
Time: meet at the stadium at 4:30pm
Race Time: 5:30pm with a picnic following post-race stretching

Food to bring for picnic:
Fruits or Vegetables
Sophomores: lunch meat/ cheese etc. for sandwiches
Juniors: Breads for sandwiches/ chips
Seniors: Desserts
Coaches: We will provide plates, forks, spoon, napkins etc. as well as drink and cups

Remember to bring your camera and invite your friends and family!

Important Upcoming Dates:
- Our first official meet will be the Fleet Feet XC Kickoff at Quail Ridge park next tuesday, Aug.31 (you must have at least 14 practices to compete in this race)

- No School on Sept. 6 (Labor Day) - No Practice

Other News:
- Attention: Parents, siblings, alumni and all others (who are not participating in MSHSAA school sanctioned sports this season) You have the chance to get a taste or refresh those old memories of Cross Country at our second meet. The Forest Park XC festival is offering a 4K Open Race at 7:30 am using the same course we will be utilizing later that morning. Wouldn't it be cool to have a group of Pattonville family members and Alumni together in the race..Hmmm. maybe something to discuss at the Green and White this week. For more information or an entry form check out Big River Running's website about the race here:

- For those of you that listen to podcasts - Running Times magazine offers free podcasts on running topics that are extremely informative and often include video. You can download them through the i-tunes store or watch them on your computer here:

Quote of the week:
"Life's journey is not to arrive at the grave safely in a well-preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn-out, shouting, 'Holy cow! What a ride!'"

Saturday, August 14, 2010

News for the week: August 16-21

Practice Week of Aug. 16-20
Daily Practice time is 2:30-5:25 (unless noted otherwise)- Always meet at the stadium -(change in upstairs stadium restrooms or school locker rooms)
Mon. 16th - 1st day of School - Meet at stadium- to Creve Coeur for practice. (If we do not have everyone's driving/riding permission form we will be staying on campus for practice)
Tues. 17th - PHS campus
Wed. 18th - Forest Park (bus)- "Photo Run" (let the coaches know if you have an inexpensive camera you can bring)
Thurs. 19th- Katy Trail Mile (bus)- 1st time trial of the season
Fri. 20th - No School, but we will have practice. We will meet at Creve Coeur Park (parking lot by the "Falls") from 2:45-4:30pm.

Saturday 21st - (Optional) Practice- 7:30am-9:00 Creve Coeur Park- Upper level, gravel lot by the tennis courts.

- Don't forget to buy your team T-shirt before team pictures next week.
-Check out Coach Kern's Blog for thoughts, suggestions and general wisdom on running. See the side bar of this blog for the link "On Course"

Important upcoming dates:
- Team pictures will be on Tuesday Aug. 24th before practice -photo order forms will be given out late this week.
- Mark your calendars for the Green and White meet on August 25th. This is a 2 mile race (our team only) on the high school course. It's a handicapped race, meaning everyone has a chance to win. We will have a picnic afterward. Details to come.

Running tip:
Water is your bodies coolant. Thirst is not a good indicator of fluid needs. Make sure you are staying hydrated during the day by keeping a bottle of water with you.

2010 Pirate Mileage Club Awards

The Pirate Mileage Club was established last year to reward team members for training through the summer, which is a necessity for anyone wanting to get the most of their cross country season. The club has two levels with different awards for total mileage accomplished in the 10 week period of summer break.

Congratulations to the following team members for their summer mileage accomplishments:

300 milers receive a handmade ceramic cereal bowl by a local artist/coach.
Austin S. - 303 miles
Sofia G. - 312 miles

400 milers (and above) receive an exclusive Pirate Mileage Club T-shirt.
Geri F. - 403 miles
Kevin L. - 644 miles
Sean Z. - 671 miles

Congrats to this years winners and remember the greatest reward for your work is how it will payoff during the XC season.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Dog Days and changes in practice for August 11th-14th

Unfortunately, the heat appears to have made itself at home this week. As a result, I've had to make a few changes to practice times and locations for the remainder of the week. Please make note of the following NEW schedule for practice this week. (which was also announced at practice tuesday)

Wed. Aug. 11: Practice 7:30am- 11:00am Meet at stadium- take a bus to Chubb trail
Freshman have orientation and are excused from the morning practice. The freshman practice originally scheduled for the afternoon is cancelled...meaning.. NO freshman practice wednesday.

Thurs. Aug. 12: New Practice Time 7:30am-9:15am at Creve Coeur Park. Meet on the upper level gravel lot by the Tennis Courts. Directions: from Dorsett road turn into the park on Streetcar drive and follow it back to the gravel lot on your right.

Fri. Aug. 13: Practice 2:45pm -5pm Meet at the stadium as usual. We may have a short run if weather allows, but regardless of a run or not we will then move inside the high school to take care of some other team business (uniforms, sweats etc.).

Saturday Aug. 14: (Optional Practice) 7:30am-9:30am Meet at O'connor Park
Directions to O'connor park from PHS: Take Creve Coeur Mill Rd. (which becomes McKelvey) North. Cross St. Charles Rock road and continue straight on McKelvey to Natural Bridge. Stay Straight, crossing Natural Bridge at which point McKelvey changes names to Bonfils. You will pass teh bowling alley on the left. At the first stop sign make a left.(you will now be in the airport buy-out area) Follow the road through the buyout area up the hill and across the 270 overpass. Stay straight through the first stop sign after the overpass. Then watch on your left for a small green sign that says "O'connor Park". Turn left at the sign and follow that road downhill and into the park.

Sorry for the late changes, but as always we want what is best for our athletes well-being and the team. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns about the new practice schedule this week. Hopefully, next week it will cool off a bit. Watch for next weeks schedule to be posted this weekend.

Thanks for understanding,
Coach F

Friday, August 6, 2010


WoooHooo! Time to get the season officially underway...although savvy xc runners know that the season really began in June, kicking off a full summer of base building.
If you haven't been running... well you will be soon and that is reason enough to be excited.
So here we go..from now on, usually on Sunday nights, I will post a schedule of practices, meets and any other pertinent info for the following week.

Here is this weeks News:

Monday, August 9, 2010: First day of Cross Country Practice - Be there!
Time: 8-9:30 am at the High School Stadium. Meet by the Track.
You need to have the following:
- Physical
- Emergency Card (I'll have one for those that need it)
- training log book (if you have one) **you must have a log book to qualify for summer mileage awards. Other accurate and well kept records of summer mileage will be considered.
- Water bottle and watch
- pledge collections from the 6 hour run (for those that collected)
- dressed to run

**While you will not be able to participate until you have turned in a Physical, please attend the first practice regardless to obtain a packet full of forms and important information concerning the cross country season.

ATTENTION PARENTS: please make sure your athlete shares the first day packet with you after practice Monday.

Aug. 10: Practice 7:30-11 am, Meet at PHS stadium (Tentatively we will be taking a bus to some local trails for our runs on Aug. 10-11)

Aug. 11 : Practice 7:30-11 am, Meet at PHS stadium
Freshman will be excused from the morning practice due to Freshman orientation.

Freshman practice: 1:45- 3:00 meet at the stadium/track dressed out and ready to run. (Upstairs stadium bathroom doors will be open to change clothes if needed) If the heat index is above 105 degrees then we will cancel practice. I'll be at the stadium at 1:30 to notify anyone if this happens.

Aug. 12: Practice 3- 5 pm Meet at Creve Coeur Park, Upper Level gravel lot by tennis courts

Aug. 13: Practice 3-5 pm Meet at Creve Coeur Park , West side (near soccer fields off Maryland Heights Expressway) Bike-n-Run practice..Bring a bike (and helmet) if you have one. Only half the team actually needs to bring a bike and any bike will do.

Upcoming dates of importance:
Aug. 16:
1st day of school - Regular practice times are from 2:30 -5:30 on school days.
Aug.20: No School, Practice at 2:45-5:00 meet at Creve Coeur Park (Lower level by the Falls)
Aug.24: Team pictures
Aug.25: Green and White meet (5:30 PHS campus)

Monday, August 2, 2010

6 Hour Runathon Results

What do dedicated cross country runners do for fun on a friday night? RUN in the rain for 6 hours of course...Geez.. that should be obvious. Truth is.. It really was fun. The rain kept us cool and made things a little more interesting. Runners could choose between running a 1 mile "cross country" loop or the track to complete their miles. The pace of the evening was steady and relaxed and it was really nice to see both new and existing team members joining up for laps together. We also had a hard core support crew of family members that braved the elements, cheering our team members to complete their goals. Heck, we even had a couple parent runners out there. Both had already been to Busch Stadium for a band event that evening, but couldn't get enough of the rain and chose to come out and run with us. Nice Job Mr. S and Mrs. J!

Congratulations to the following team members for achieving their goal mileage: Sean Z, Geri F, Melissa F, Kirby M, Lily V., Will C., Hannah J., Megan W.,and Connor C. For most of this group their runs were also personal records for their longest run recorded in a day. Outstanding! The coaches were also very impressed by the incoming freshman that took on the 6 hour challenge. Thumbs up to freshman Kirby, Lily, and Will for a geat start to their cross country experience.

As our only real fundraiser, all team members owe a special thanks to those who collected donations for the runathon. Donations should be turned in on the first day of practice. Checks can be made out to Pattonville High School. Finally, thank you to all who have supported the team through contributions or effort in raising team funds.

Great work Pirates! Congrats to all participants on an excellent running experience! ..and as I said before..good fun for a friday night. post..The Season Begins!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

News for the Week and the 6 Hour Runathon

Greetings PHS Cross Country Runners,
I've finally completed my traveling for the summer and I hope I now get a chance to run with all of you at one of our summers-end events this week. Speaking of travel, I hope you all have enjoyed your summer and bagged some running adventures. In the past 5 weeks I've collected a few of my own. Including enduring immense heat and humidity (could have stayed here for that) while running and exploring the World of Disney, ran barefoot along the Atlantic ocean ( big blisters), cruised the rocky, rooty, sweaty, trails of Cuivre River State park with some of your teammates, hiked a few stunning trails in Rocky Mtn. National Park and gasped for air while running and mountain biking the endless trails of Breckenridge Colorado. Despite all the traveling, some of my best runs have also been right out my front door. I'm looking forward to hearing and reading (in your log books) of your summer adventures as well.

This weeks Wednesday Night Run (7/28) will be held at McNair Park. See the previous post for details and directions if needed. I know the forecast, but let's hope for heat index temps cooler than 105. We will run if it rains (would be fun and much cooler), but not thunderstorms.

Calendar changes- I have had to make a few changes to the times for our first week of practice. You may want check the previous post "mark your calendars" for the updates.

Alright, now for the big summer Finale. The 6 Hour Runathon is coming up this friday night. I have posted a lot about it and have given out forms which most of you should have. Weather wise, the forecast looks good and we will still run if it rains. We have tents we can use if needed. The event is for all team members and will be a nice way for us to cap off the summer. Hopefully, you have been able to get a few pledges by now as this is our only fundraiser this season. If not, make sure to be especially thankful to those who have. Please do not collect donations until after the event. Upon the conclusion of the night I will sign your pledge sheet verifying the mileage you have run and you will then collect the donations in the following week to be turned in the first day of practice.
A few reminders:
- the run starts officially at 5:30pm and ends at 11:30pm. Meet at the Track. Please make arrangements to get yourself to and from the event in reasonable time.
- Make sure to bring your permission and pledge forms. I will have permission forms at the event for those that need one for their Parents to sign.
- I will provide gatoraid and water, but you will need to bring snacks/nutrition for yourself (see survival tips below)
-we will have access to the stadium restrooms.
- during the daylight hours we will use a 1/2 mile loop on campus for our runs, and then use the Track after sunset.
-Once the event begins you can leave early if needed (with Parent permission), but will not be allowed to return. In other words, don't plan for 7 eleven trips during the event. (get what you need before hand) You are also (highly) encouraged to stay and support your teammates, even if you have reached your goal for the night.

Following are a few more "survival" tips to make the most of the night:
• Nap on Friday afternoon -- we want to get a FUN experience, and get you into summer running, NOT run you down at the end of summer

• Hydrate in the days leading up to event

• Bring a few extra sets of clothes to change throughout event [rain gear just in case]

• Start at a pace you feel you can finish for many miles and 6 hrs later [don’t let your egos become involved in this event -- it’s not a race -- it’s an “endurance get-together”

• DON’T bring a bunch of garbage to eat -- healthy, easy to digest snacks -- graze,
don’t chow {bagels, muffins, fruit, power bars, gels, breads, snack bars...}

• Run even laps and plan for regular breaks.

• Bring on planning summer runs...bring CDS [we’ll take turns listening to various “acceptable” music throughout the night]

• Don’t RUN around between intervals and wear yourself out!

• Try powder or vaseline to ward off blister and rubbing

• Bring folding chair, blanket, pillow to try to get some rest - we’ll set up tents or mats, depending on the weather.

• Bug spray will come in handy

• Bring flashlight

• Keep track of your miles completed after each running “session”

• In the late hours remember the people across the street are NOT celebrating CC season -- so, keep music, noise down.

• No one [on team] is allowed to leave once event started [that means no 7-11 runs]

• We may be sharing the track with others during the polite

• Drink water/sports drink throughout the night

• CHANGE socks, take off shoes between miles

• Keep a Positive Attitude -- please don’t share how sore, tired or whatever negative you feel

• Encourage each other

• If you can’t honest....we’re looking for FUN, not heroes

• Don’t plan to be active ALL day Saturday. Let your body recover properly afterwards

Email me at if you have any questions.

Keep on running (and recording your mileage in your log book) and I hope to see you Friday night.

PS. If you haven't already, check out Coach Kern's blog "On Course"(see the sidebar)for some great wisdom on running this summer.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Hot Temps and the wednesday night runs!

It appears we are getting a pretty fair dose of summer heat this year. Givin new state ruling on how summer events for athlectic teams can be conducted, we will cancel any wednesday run when the "humiditemp" is above 105 degrees. I apologize to those who have experienced these cancellations already and ask that you cope with us as we adjust to new summer regulations this year. Basically, if it is really hot (mid 90s or so) and your in doubt, just stay home. Hopefully, the temps will cool down and we will get the two remaining runs in before the end of the summer.

You can find times and locations for the next two wednesday runs in the previous post.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Mark Your Calendars!.. and Pre-Season News

I have lots of good and important information to share with you as we wind out the summer and approach the school year. I know.. it's only the beginning of July ..and I hate seeing the school supplies already lining the store shelves, but summers end will be here before you know it. Maybe this little wake up call will motivate you to get out and run if you have not been already. Read up and make the best of the rest of your summer.

You will need an up to date Physical in order to run on the first day of practice. So don't wait too long. You can find an electronic copy of the physical form by clicking the activities button on the left side of the PHS website at
You can bring the form to your doctor or Athletic Physical Exams will also be offered at the high school.
Physical exams will be held at PHS on July 22 from 3-6 pm in the Multipurpose Room. You must call the Activities Office (314-213-8051 Ext. 8058) to RSVP as an overall count of attendees is needed in order to schedule appropriate medical personnel. Cost of physical is $25.

2010-11 Fall Activities and Athletic Practice Information
Please read the message on the PHS site regarding practice info.

Wednesday Night Runs for the remainder of the summer
We only have three more runs this summer. Be sure to make it out if you can.
Following are the dates and times:
Please note: Wednesday night runs will be cancelled if the "humiditemp" is above 105 degrees.
JULY 14th
Location: Queeny Park (meet at the playground, there is a parking lot just across the street)
Team Host: Geri will lead you on some cool trails around the park.
Time: Meet at 6:45pm - runs starts promptly at 7:00pm
Directions: Take Hwy 270 south to I-40/64 then south on 141 ( also called Woods Mill Road ) 1 1/2 miles to Clayton. Exit on Clayton and go left 1/2 mile to Weidmann. Turn right on Weidmann Rd. The main park entrance is 2 1/2 miles down on your left. It is marked clearly with a sign.

JULY 21st
Location: Pattonville High School Campus
Team Host: Coach Kern
Time: Meet at 6:45 - run starts promptly at 7:00pm

JULY 28th (this will be the last of our Wed. runs this summer)
Location: McNair Park ( run the course we will race this season)
Team Host: Hannah
Time: Meet at 6:45pm - run starts promptly at 7:00
- I-70 west
-Take the First Capital exit and turn right off the exit ramp
-Left on West Clay
-Right on Droste
-Follow Droste until you see the park entrance on the right.

Some other cool upcoming runs:
You may be interested in trying your hand at one of these upcoming 5k runs.

First is a new run that looks pretty fun. The Barefoot 5k is held on a golf course in University. Barefoot running will likely alter your form slightly and work your muscles a bit differently than when running with shoes. I recommend practicing on several occasions on a clean grassy lot or run the race somewhat conservatively to prevent injury. More info here:

I highly recommend the Mud Mountain 5k held July 24th. It's run on the same course as we will race this season on the campus at SIUE. The race is very well attended and tons of fun. Find more info here:

PHS Cross Country 6 hour Run-athon Information

To: All current PHS cross-country runners (incoming Fresh included), parents, and alumni

From: The 2010 Pattonville High School Cross Country Team

What: We are having a RUN-ATHON to raise money for the team. Donations are always welcome, but we’ve come up with a way to have a lot of fun, get everyone involved, raise money, and get in some mileage at the same time!!!

Your challenge: to run as many miles as possible in six hours! You’ll have time to run, rest, recover, and then run a few more miles. Ask your friends, family, co-workers, and everyone you know to pledge just a little money per mile (even $0.25 would be great), and then surprise them with how far you end up running and how much they end up owing you!
You can even consider this a competition between this year’s runners, their parents, and the alumni. Who can run the most miles? Who can raise the most money? The challenge is on! We dare you to accept!

When: Friday, July 30, 2010 from 5:30pm to 11:30pm. (Feel free to bring a sleeping bag, food, games, etc.)

Where: Pattonville High School track. We will also try to set up a course around the campus for a change of scenery.

Pledge form: I have given out a packet with this same information at most of our events this summer. Most of you should already have a pledge form. So get out and get a few pledges before our run on the 30th. You will collect from your contributors after the run. If you need a form I'll be out of town again for a bit, but I will have some at the July 28th Wednesday run or you can email me your address and I'll mail you one the last week of July. My email :

A few more important dates: ( updated again - 7/25)
July 31- August 8th -Dead Period (No school scheduled Cross Country events) but you should definitely be running on your own.
Aug. 9th: 1st official practice 8:00-9:30 High School Stadium - you need to be there.
Aug. 10: Practice 7:30-11 am, Meet at PHS stadium (Tentatively we will be taking a bus to some local trails for our runs on Aug. 10-11)
Aug. 11 : Practice 7:30-11 am, Meet at PHS stadium
Freshman will be excused from the morning practice due to Freshman orientation.
Freshman practice: 1:45- 3:00 meet at the stadium dressed out and ready to run. (details TBA)
Aug. 12: Practice 3- 5 pm Meet at Creve Coeur Park, location TBA
Aug. 13: Practice 3-5 pm Meet at Creve Coeur Park , location TBA
Aug. 16 1st day of school - Practice will be from 2:30 -5:30 everyday for the entire season.

2010 (Tentative) Pattonville Cross Country Meet Schedule
* means confirmed date - others may change and times will be announced later in the season
Wed. Aug 25 Green and White Meet 5:30pm (Pattonville High School)
* Tues. Aug. 31 Fleet Feet XC Kickoff (Quail Ridge Park)
* Sat. Sept. 11 Big River Forest Park XC Festival (Forest Park)
Sat. Sept 18 Edwardsville Inv. (SIUE campus)
Tues. Sept. 28 PHS/FZE/Villa tri meet (McNair Park)
Wed. Sept 22 Hazelwood Fresh/Soph meet (Sioux Passage Park)
Fri. Sept. 24 Hazelwood West Inv. (Koch Park)
Fri. Oct. 1 Ron Jorgenson Inv. (Queeny Park)
Sat. Oct. 9 Pattonville Middle Schools XC Meet(high School) -NOT a race for us ,butwe will have a practice and team members are expected to help run off the meet.
Sat. Oct. 16 Conference Meet TBA
Sat. Oct. 23 District TBA
Wed. Oct. 27 Finn Dawg Inv. Girls (Kirkwood park)
Wed. Oct 27 Findley Inv. Boys (Forest Park)
Sat. Oct.30 Sectional
Sat. Nov. 6 State Meet (Jefferson City)

WHew...that was a huge amount info..mark your calendars and I hope you make it to the rest of our summer events. Don't forget to keep recording your runs in the log and bring it on the first day of practice. Have questions? email me at
May your runs be least some of them.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

July 4 - 10 News - last chance for campout

Happy Independence Day!
I hope you all enjoy the day and celebrate the spirit of freedom our country has fought hard to establish and maintain. I can't honestly think of a better way to celebrate than to exercise your right to RUN! Personally, one reason I love running is that it offers pure and simple freedom. Running allows you to chose your own time, direction, speed, and location. You can run right out your door without the restrictions of a lot of gear and expense. You can also run in almost any weather conditions (other than thunderstorms) with proper preparation and with reasonable expectations.
I hope your run today was as much a celebration of freedom as mine was.

There will not be a Wednesday run this week (July 7th). That doesn't mean you shouldn't run....
Watch the blog for a posting about next weeks Wednesday run location.

LAST CHANCE to sign up for the camp-out. Based on the current number of attendees I have decided to shorten the camp-out by one day. We will meet as planned on July 7th, but we will be returning on the evening of July 8th, rather than the original date of July 9th. If your interested in attending please see the previous post concerning campout requirements and email me by Monday July 5th at

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Contacting Coach Fader and Campout intentions

Attention team members and parents:
In case anyone has questions, concerns or comments I want you to feel free to contact me anytime this summer. I do have a few trips planned, but I will try and check my email or stay in touch in some manner during those weeks. Probably the best way to contact me is by email at my school address which is I check very frequently.
Also, feel free to call my cell or home phone. Beware..I live in Illinois and it is a long distance call. I'm not going to post my phone numbers here on the Interwebs, but they are on most of our handouts, the log book and I'm happy to provide them through an email.

Speaking of contacting me: If you have intentions of going on the Camp-out (July 7-9) please email me at and let me know by July 5th. Please remember that this is a training camp and you must be able to run 8 miles continuously to attend. Camp details ae in a previous post and in a handout I believe most of you have received. So far I've heard from : Geri, Hannah, Kevin and Sofia.
Just for clarification: I realize the mileage requirement of the camp-out excludes many new runners and a few older ones. However, those that are not up to that level of training would only be hurt or have to sit out due to the higher level fitness demands of the camp. Please be honest. If you are not quite there yet think of it as a goal for next year and make the Wednesday Runs and the 6 Hour Runathon your key cross country events this summer.

Wednesday Runs - June

Last Wednesday was our first weekly run and those not in attendance missed a nice run on the Katy trail. Speaking of MIAs, while these are not mandatory runs I do expect that team members would make every attempt to make it for the sake of the team and your own running motivation. Certainly work, family, travel(no ride), and vacation situations exist and I understand these commitments. I also know that those teams and individuals that expect to race competitively DO meet and run together AT LEAST once a week if not more. Our team and your running progress are only as strong as your commitment. Besides that.. it's fun and you like to run ...right? That said, I hope to see more of you out for the wednesday night runs.

Here are the time/locations/ and Senior leaders for the rest of June:

Wednesday June 23rd
Senior leader - Sofia
Time- meet 6:45 run promptly at 7:00
- Bangert Island - (Very cool trails right off the Katy trail near downtown St. Charles)
Meet at the trail head.
Take I-70 to the 5th Street exit in St. Charles, and head South on 5th Street. Bear left onto the South River Road, and then left again onto Old South River Road. Parking is available on both sides of Old South River Road.

Check out this link for a map and more information on Bangert Island trails

Wednesday June 30th
Senior Leader- Elise M.
Time- meet 6:45 run promptly at 7:00
Location: Creve Coeur - gravel lot near tennis courts on the upper level

Monday, June 14, 2010

More Summer News

...and now for a couple more announcements.

1) It is with great pleasure that we announce the addition of Coach Kern as a new assistant coach. For those new to the team, Coach Kern has been at the helm of the Pirate cross country ship since back in the 80's when I ran for the team. Upon his retirment from teaching last year he decided to step down from coaching, but as anyone who knows Coach Kern can tell you..Coach K is to cross country as Yoda is to the force. Welcome Back Coacher..we are honored to have you back aboard.
By the way...Coach Kern is also a prolific blogger and has a huge wealth of information for the running soul. You can find a link to his blog "On Course" in the side bar. Check it out.

2) Wednesday night runs begin this week. I'm working on putting together an overall list of run leaders and locations for the summer, but until I have them all established just watch the blog for weekly updates on locations.

This wednesdays (June 16th) run will take place at the Katy Trail on the St. Charles side of the Page/364 bridge. Meet at 6:45 pm and we will begin running at 7:00pm sharp. Remember: these are casual runs open to runners of all abilities. We will break into groups accordingly to meet mileage/pace needs. Make sure to bring a water bottle.
Meet at the Katy Trail parking lot on the St. Charles side of the Page /364 Bridge. Directions: Take 270 to the Page/364 exit, heading west. Go 6 miles to exit 14, Upper Bottom Road / Arena Parkway. Go right (north), and take an immediate right on Hemsath. Follow Hemsath for 0.3 mile, and take the right turn into the parking lot just after Hemsath curves left.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Early Summer News!

Greetings runners!

First off, I would like to say congratulations to our very recent Grads; Jalisa, Chelsea, Rita, Rachel, Sophia and Mike. It has been a geat pleasure to have worked with such an outstanding group of people. Best wishes as you begin a new journey!

Now for some important reminders:

The MINI-CAMP begins this monday night!( June 7th, 8th and 9th)
Anyone planning to run Cross Country this fall should make every attempt to be there. The camp will be especially beneficial for new runners and those who are not quite sure about joining the team. Training logs and loads of information will be covered to get you off to a good start this summer. Veteran runners should not only be there for a good workout with your teammates, but also for the sake of the team itself. For the seniors, we will divide up Wednesday night run leadership duties. Finally, on the last day of the mini-camp the secret identity of our new assistant coach will be revealed.

Here are the Mini-camp details and what to bring:

When and Where:
June 7th 6-8:00pm Creve Coeur Park (upper level gravel lot by tennis courts)
June 8th 6-8:00 pm Creve Coeur Park (lake side lot by Falls)
June 9th 6-8:00pm Creve Coeur Park (upper level gravel lot by tennis courts)

What: An introduction to the sport of Cross Country for grades 7-12: Advice on training, stretching, running mechanics, nutrition, shoe info, racing, motivation and fun.
This is an instructional camp for new runners and a training camp for veterans
Specific details will also be provided about other summer events such as our training camp and 6 hour run.
Expense: None, it’s FREE!

What you need to bring:
- proof of insurance (photocopy of insurance card)
- water bottle
-running shoes and dressed to run

Hopefully your summer is off to a great start. If not already, start recording your daily mileage in your log book. I'll have some at the mini camp for those who need one. A record of your mileage is important for several reasons.
1) motivation and chance to record all the interesting runs you have. Think of it like an adventure journal.
2)a record of your individual progress
3) keep track of the mileage on your shoes.
4) a record of your training helps coaches tailor workouts to your specific conditon once the school year begins
5) If you want to earn a Mileage Club award, you have to have a record of your daily mileage.

If you are unaware of the Mileage Club perks check out the post below for more details. For those without a log book, just use a sheet of paper until you can get one.

PHYSICALS and other stuff:
All athletes planning to participate in a fall sport must have a physical and several other forms turned in before they will be able to participate in practice starting Aug. 9th.
This means you should try and get at least the physical taken care of over the summer. Physical exams will be offered at the high school for $25.00 on July 22, but you must call the activities office (314)213-8051 ext. 8058 to RSVP. I also encourage you to check out the PHS website for a recent posting of other information needed to compete in the fall. By clicking on the Activities bar on the left side you can get a copy of the Pre-participation exam form to take to your own doctor if you prefer.

OK, that does it for now. Watch the blog all summer long for continuous postings on running stuff in general, updates on locations for the Wednesday runs, and any other important announcements that come along.

Enjoy your runs!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Dead Period -Changes in summer event dates/times

Greetings Runners,
A very recent change in the school sports calendar has a minor effect on some of our summer event dates and times in the previous post. Please note newly adjusted dates/times marked in red in the Summer Events post. If you received a summer events flyer prior to May 16th, please adjust the dates or just recycle it and pick up the new revised copy from one of the coaches.

"Dead Period" -According to new State rules each school must have a "dead period" during the summer in which athletes and coaches can not have contact with each other or the school campus concerning their respective sport. The dates of this period are determined by each school district and ours were recently changed to the current period of July 31- August 8th. This means that immediately following the 6 hour run, we will not have any team activities until practice officially starts on August 9th.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

The big XC kickoff meeting and Summer Events

WhoooHooo! The Cross Country season looms near. Yeah, I know.. you're still involved with Track or thinking that Cross Country is a "fall sport". Truth is, IT'S NOT. The success and enjoyment of your Cross Country season is directly related to what you do this summer. That being said, our season really starts this month. Following are some dates and events to get the most out of the summer with your team (or team to be). Mark your calendars!

1st off we have the Cross Country Kickoff meeting on Friday May 21 at 1:20 in my room (G114) If you're wondering about the time, the schedule for that week calls for us to have a "C" day on that day due to Senior finals. This means I will be seeing you directly after school is out. During the meeting details will be provided about summer events, some training info, and the newly redesigned "log book" to keep track of summer mileage and adventures. This is not an optional meeting, anyone planning to run cross country should make it a priority to attend. Those who can't make it should make plans to see me before we are out of school for the summer. The same information will also be provided at the mini camp in June for incoming 9th graders and other new recruits.

Here is a quick list of other summer events:

When and Where:
June 7th 6-8:00pm Creve Coeur Park (upper level gravel lot by tennis courts)
June 8th 6-8:00 pm Creve Coeur Park (lake side lot by Falls)
June 9th 6-8:00pm Creve Coeur Park (upper level gravel lot by tennis courts)

What: An introduction to the sport of Cross Country for grades 7-12: Advice on training, stretching, running mechanics, nutrition, shoe info, racing, motivation and fun.
This is an instructional camp for new runners and a training camp for veterans
Specific details will also be provided about other summer events such as our training camp and 6 hour run.
Expense: None, it’s FREE!

What you need to bring: - proof of insurance (photocopy of insurance card)
- water bottle
-running shoes and dressed to run

Wednesday Night RunsNew dates and times June 16, 23,30 / July 14, 21, 28
– Informal weekly group runs
- meet at 6:45 pm – BE PROMPT – Run starts at 7:00 sharp
- Locations will vary – check the blog for a complete list at
- distances / routes will be decided by the group
-This is a “group run”. The goal is to run together, although we make break into sub groups to accommodate different ability levels

Pattonville XC Team Training Campout July 7-9 – Cuivre River State Park (you must be able to run continously for 8 miles to attend- good motivation to start running now if not already, huh?)

6 hour Run-a-thon (Team Fundraiser) New date and time July 3o, 5:30-11:30pm – PHS Track - See Coach Fader for Fundraiser Pledge forms

PIRATE MILEAGE CLUB – run 300 or 400 miles over the 10 weeks of summer
How it Works
1) Record your mileage in your running log during the summer. This is an honor system. Have Integrity.
2) The count starts May 31st and ends the day before our first practice (Aug. 9th)
3) Only one award is allowed per season, but 400 mile club winners may opt for a bowl instead of a T-Shirt.
4) Turn in your completed running log at the first practice
1) You will earn the satisfaction of attaining a goal.
2) You will improve tremendously and reap the benefits of excellent fitness.
3) You will collect a whole summers worth of running adventures and memories.
4) You will earn the following awards:
- 300 miles = a hand-made Pirate Cereal bowl by a local artist/coach, perfect for pre-race breakfast or post-race ice cream.
- 400 miles = an exclusive Pirate Mileage Club T-shirt

1st day of practice is August 9th, 2009 (8-9:30 a.m. High School Stadium)
-You must have a completed sports physical
- Bring your Training Log

That's it for now. I hope you're as excited as I am. See you on May 21st if not before.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Team poll concerning a summer training campout

This post is specifically for PHS XC team members. Some of you may have received an email from me asking for you opinions on a team summer campout. Since I don't have everyones email, I thought I'd also post it here to get anyone I missed. If you would like to reply just email me at or add a comment below here on the blog. By the way if you didn't get the email below you may just want to email me and give me your address.
Following is a copy of the email I sent:

Greetings Runner Folk,
I would to get your opinion on picking a date for a team campout over the summer. I have received clearance from the powers of PHS to have an overnight campout. I'm planning a 3 day/2 night camping trip at a local state park. We will be staying in tents and will need camping gear. I think between those who are going we can easily get together enough gear for anyone who doesn't have a tent/sleeping bag etc. The focus of the camp will be team building and training as well as just having a good time with your teammates in the great outdoors. Girls and boys teams will all go together, but will have seperate tent/sleeping areas. We will also have male and female chaperones for each camp.
I'll share more details later, but what I need to know is if the date I have picked will work for you. Obviously, I would like as much of the team to be able to attend as possible, but picking such a date during the summer is tricky. Originally I had planned for the last 3 days in July for the campout. However. there is another cross country traing camp in southwest missouri that I think a few of you may be interested in attending and it is the same week. So here are my questions for you:
Are you interested in attending other (not PHS, but cross country focus) training camps?
Are you interested in attending a PHS running/team campout this summer?
If so, would you be able to attend on July 7-9th?
Are you missing a brownie dish from the awards banquet? (I know this isn't related, but I need to find it's home)

If you would like to have some input on the camp date please reply soon. I'm not asking for a commitment yet, just trying to plan it out. I'm also open to any ideas or comments you may have concerning a campout.

Thanks for your help in advance and please help me spread the word to anyone who may not have received this email.
I hope to get out to a couple Track meets this spring, so I will see some of you soon. Watch the blog later this spring for an announcement concerning our Cross Country Kickoff meeting (likely held in may) and summer events as they develop.
Happy Running!