Monday, June 14, 2010

More Summer News

...and now for a couple more announcements.

1) It is with great pleasure that we announce the addition of Coach Kern as a new assistant coach. For those new to the team, Coach Kern has been at the helm of the Pirate cross country ship since back in the 80's when I ran for the team. Upon his retirment from teaching last year he decided to step down from coaching, but as anyone who knows Coach Kern can tell you..Coach K is to cross country as Yoda is to the force. Welcome Back Coacher..we are honored to have you back aboard.
By the way...Coach Kern is also a prolific blogger and has a huge wealth of information for the running soul. You can find a link to his blog "On Course" in the side bar. Check it out.

2) Wednesday night runs begin this week. I'm working on putting together an overall list of run leaders and locations for the summer, but until I have them all established just watch the blog for weekly updates on locations.

This wednesdays (June 16th) run will take place at the Katy Trail on the St. Charles side of the Page/364 bridge. Meet at 6:45 pm and we will begin running at 7:00pm sharp. Remember: these are casual runs open to runners of all abilities. We will break into groups accordingly to meet mileage/pace needs. Make sure to bring a water bottle.
Meet at the Katy Trail parking lot on the St. Charles side of the Page /364 Bridge. Directions: Take 270 to the Page/364 exit, heading west. Go 6 miles to exit 14, Upper Bottom Road / Arena Parkway. Go right (north), and take an immediate right on Hemsath. Follow Hemsath for 0.3 mile, and take the right turn into the parking lot just after Hemsath curves left.


  1. Glad to be back aboard! Hope to see big crowds at the summer activities!

  2. Coach Fader, I didn't know if you checked your school e-mail so I figured I'd let you know about the decision for the next Wed. run through here. I'll try your e-mail if I don't ever hear back in a few days.

    Anyhow, I picked Forest Park..meeting @ the History Museum... I hope that's not too far if it is let me know and I'll pick somewhere else.

    Thanks for your patience about me choosing this so late! Sorry again!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Sofia,
    That is a cool location for a run, but unfortunately I think it is a bit far for a weeknight run. I keep thinking of our super long bus rides back from practices there last year. Forest Park might be a great location for a student lead Saturday morning run..Hint..Hint

    Have anything a bit closer? If your stuck you can email me and I'll send some ideas. I do check my school email over the summer very frequently.

    Sorry choice 1 won't work, but let me know what you decide?
