Saturday, June 19, 2010

Contacting Coach Fader and Campout intentions

Attention team members and parents:
In case anyone has questions, concerns or comments I want you to feel free to contact me anytime this summer. I do have a few trips planned, but I will try and check my email or stay in touch in some manner during those weeks. Probably the best way to contact me is by email at my school address which is I check very frequently.
Also, feel free to call my cell or home phone. Beware..I live in Illinois and it is a long distance call. I'm not going to post my phone numbers here on the Interwebs, but they are on most of our handouts, the log book and I'm happy to provide them through an email.

Speaking of contacting me: If you have intentions of going on the Camp-out (July 7-9) please email me at and let me know by July 5th. Please remember that this is a training camp and you must be able to run 8 miles continuously to attend. Camp details ae in a previous post and in a handout I believe most of you have received. So far I've heard from : Geri, Hannah, Kevin and Sofia.
Just for clarification: I realize the mileage requirement of the camp-out excludes many new runners and a few older ones. However, those that are not up to that level of training would only be hurt or have to sit out due to the higher level fitness demands of the camp. Please be honest. If you are not quite there yet think of it as a goal for next year and make the Wednesday Runs and the 6 Hour Runathon your key cross country events this summer.

1 comment:

  1. Coach Fader,
    I was looking at the hand-out for the camping trip and saw it was during the last day (the one I'd have to miss!) when the "challenge run" is going to be held. I don't want to be presumptuous, it's not at all my intent, but is the schedule for the camp setin stone? I'd absolutely hate to miss that "challenge run"... it sounds like great fun so I was just wondering about that... I completely understand if it is though, conflict happen :S!
