Saturday, June 19, 2010

Wednesday Runs - June

Last Wednesday was our first weekly run and those not in attendance missed a nice run on the Katy trail. Speaking of MIAs, while these are not mandatory runs I do expect that team members would make every attempt to make it for the sake of the team and your own running motivation. Certainly work, family, travel(no ride), and vacation situations exist and I understand these commitments. I also know that those teams and individuals that expect to race competitively DO meet and run together AT LEAST once a week if not more. Our team and your running progress are only as strong as your commitment. Besides that.. it's fun and you like to run ...right? That said, I hope to see more of you out for the wednesday night runs.

Here are the time/locations/ and Senior leaders for the rest of June:

Wednesday June 23rd
Senior leader - Sofia
Time- meet 6:45 run promptly at 7:00
- Bangert Island - (Very cool trails right off the Katy trail near downtown St. Charles)
Meet at the trail head.
Take I-70 to the 5th Street exit in St. Charles, and head South on 5th Street. Bear left onto the South River Road, and then left again onto Old South River Road. Parking is available on both sides of Old South River Road.

Check out this link for a map and more information on Bangert Island trails

Wednesday June 30th
Senior Leader- Elise M.
Time- meet 6:45 run promptly at 7:00
Location: Creve Coeur - gravel lot near tennis courts on the upper level

1 comment:

  1. You're right on Coach Fader. Hopefully in the future the number of runners will outnumber the number of coaches!
