Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Team poll concerning a summer training campout

This post is specifically for PHS XC team members. Some of you may have received an email from me asking for you opinions on a team summer campout. Since I don't have everyones email, I thought I'd also post it here to get anyone I missed. If you would like to reply just email me at sfader@psdr3.org or add a comment below here on the blog. By the way if you didn't get the email below you may just want to email me and give me your address.
Following is a copy of the email I sent:

Greetings Runner Folk,
I would to get your opinion on picking a date for a team campout over the summer. I have received clearance from the powers of PHS to have an overnight campout. I'm planning a 3 day/2 night camping trip at a local state park. We will be staying in tents and will need camping gear. I think between those who are going we can easily get together enough gear for anyone who doesn't have a tent/sleeping bag etc. The focus of the camp will be team building and training as well as just having a good time with your teammates in the great outdoors. Girls and boys teams will all go together, but will have seperate tent/sleeping areas. We will also have male and female chaperones for each camp.
I'll share more details later, but what I need to know is if the date I have picked will work for you. Obviously, I would like as much of the team to be able to attend as possible, but picking such a date during the summer is tricky. Originally I had planned for the last 3 days in July for the campout. However. there is another cross country traing camp in southwest missouri that I think a few of you may be interested in attending and it is the same week. So here are my questions for you:
Are you interested in attending other (not PHS, but cross country focus) training camps?
Are you interested in attending a PHS running/team campout this summer?
If so, would you be able to attend on July 7-9th?
Are you missing a brownie dish from the awards banquet? (I know this isn't related, but I need to find it's home)

If you would like to have some input on the camp date please reply soon. I'm not asking for a commitment yet, just trying to plan it out. I'm also open to any ideas or comments you may have concerning a campout.

Thanks for your help in advance and please help me spread the word to anyone who may not have received this email.
I hope to get out to a couple Track meets this spring, so I will see some of you soon. Watch the blog later this spring for an announcement concerning our Cross Country Kickoff meeting (likely held in may) and summer events as they develop.
Happy Running!


  1. Coach Fader both the idea and the date seem great for me. As far as other camps for XC (though I've never attended one before) I am sure there are other camps besides the one you mentioned right? If anything we could have a list with other camps that don't conflict with that date...

  2. Hey Sofia,
    Just as I did last year, as we get closer to summer I'll compile a list of state wide summer running camps. Watch the blog around May for such a list.

  3. I have some chaperoning experience...where do I apply?
