Sunday, February 28, 2010

More Winter Racing News and Track is Here!

Once again, Pirate runners were spotted at a local trail race this weekend. The Castlewood Cup 15K trail run was full of challenging climbs and shoe stealing mud (ask Sean about that). Despite temps in the upper 20s, the warmth of full sunshine made for very enjoyable running weather and thawing of otherwise frozen trails. The race was not as muddy as the sectional race lat year, but the footing was definitely rough and energy sucking over much of the trail.
Sean Z and Sofia G both made the best of the day capturing age group places. Sean was 1st in the men's 14-19 age group and Sofia was 2nd in the women's 14-19 group. Nice job to our runners for outstanding racing in a tough and long race. I was also racing, so I don't have a lot of pics. However, the Big River Running website promises to post race pics soon and did an excellent job last year. So watch here for more:

While I'm on the topic of winter running, I have one other announcement that needs to be made. Please congratulate teammate Jon E. for his age group win of the Marathon Sports Snowball series. That's right, not just one race, but the whole series. Nice Job Jon!

Finally, March is here and with it is Track. Good luck to all of you this season and I'll be sure to make it out to at least a couple meets to cheer you on. The Track season will go fast and I'll be bugging you about XC stuff before you know it. Enjoy the change of venue, variety, and training Track offers to your running career while it lasts. Watch here for Cross Country announcements and season info in May.
Run hard and smile!
Coach F

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