Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Olympic Inspiration

The opening ceremony for the 2010 Winter Olympics is this friday. Personally , I look forward to the Winter Olympics as much, if not more, than the summer olympics. The only problem is, much like the summer olympics, the network coverage seems to get on stuck on a few events and all but ignores others. Cross Country is an example of one of those rarely covered sports. Yeah, you know our kindred spirit - winter sport of cross country skiing. These folks are serious fitness monsters and deserve much more air time than they are given by the tele. Since this is a 'cross country ' blog I've come across a cool video clip to share with you. Robel Teklemariam is a cross country skier and Ethiopia's only athlete in the 2010 Winter Olympics. Listen carefully for his source of inspration and also notice how he gets in his aerobic training. Apparently a little thing like a lack of snow doesn't keep a dedicated athlete from training for their sport. Hmmm....is there a lesson here?
Check it out: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dDKbKvJLUEk

Enjoy your runs! Track season is approaching..
Coach F

1 comment:

  1. I was at Creve Coeur Park today. They had the 880 loop closed off and hadn't cleared the road there. There were CC ski tracks :)
    And lots of running shoe prints on the trails -- hope they were PHS shoes!!
