Saturday, January 30, 2010

Help! ...your Team needs you.

Greetings Runner Folk,
While it is cold and gray and Cross Country Season seems to be a long time away, there is some critical work for us to do as a team. About this time of year the 8th graders are visiting our building and planning their journey to high school. We need to make them aware of the outstanding opportunities of Cross Country. This is where I need help from the team, especially as the team itself benefits the most from increased membership. Without recruiting work we may find ourselves without a team and we aren't exactly busting at the seams right now. It's also a good source of inspiration for yourself to get a little pumped up about XC this time of year. Besides, why wouldn't you want to spread the word about something you feel excited about.
The 8th Grade Assembly at the high school is coming up in the very near future and you have the opportunity/obligation to help your team by preaching the gospel of our XC program.
The 8th grade visit is scheduled for Thursday February 18th and we will have a booth set up in the multipurpose room. You don't need to do much, just pass out flyers and talk up XC. Holman 8th graders are scheduled to visit the activities area from 12:25- 1:00. If you are not busy 6th period, you can come see me in room G114 for a pass (ahead of time)to come help out. If you can stay for just a little while after school Heights and Remington will be visiting from 1:50 - 2:20. Wear your team shirts or whatever you have to promote XC and I'll see you there. Remember... your TEAM depends on it.

I hope to see many of you at the 8th grade visit and don't forget that recruiting doesn't end with those new to the school. There are plenty of great people in our building right now who could be out running with us next get out there and preach the "righteousness" of Cross Country (and I mean that in a positive and non-exclusive way)

Other news -PHYSICALS

While we are on the subject of Cross Country Season. For those interested, Sports Physicals are being offered at the high school on Wednesday Feb. 17th. You must contact the activities office to reserve a spot before Feb. 10th. Physicals will cost $25.00

Sports Physicals are good for one year. If you had a physical last summer then you are covered for Track or other spring sports this year. However, you must get another before Cross Country Season starts next year. A physical received now will cover you until next winter.

That's enough for now. I'll be posting some summer events and dates soon, as well as some fun/motivational stuff. Don't loose your life to the hypnotic buzz of our electronics.. get outside and run today and I guarantee you'll feel more alive during winter months. As for me, 20 degrees means frozen trails and a chance to try out my new single speed mountain bike for a couple hours.
See ya outside!
Coach F

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