Sunday, January 3, 2010

Another great race opportunity!

Looks like fun.. Huh? It was.

While I don't think the best way to prepare for the Track season is to race hard every weekend, a winter goal race or two can help with motivation and building mileage on these long cold days.
Here is one that a couple of your teammates and I did last year which would be a great late winter race to cap off your pre-track mileage buildup. The Castlewood Cup is an awesome 15 K trail run on February 27th. Yep, 15k is 3 times the distance you race in XC, but not much if you just think of it like your weekly long run. I've already signed up and I hope to see a few of you there. More info here or ask your teammates above how they liked it.
By the way if you decide to do it, make sure you have built up your mileage properly (gradually). See your winter training guide or come by my room and pay me a visit if your unsure what I mean.
Back to school tomorrow..WoooHooo!.............right?
Coach F

1 comment:

  1. WHAT FUN!
    & I'm sure that one girl's number got washed away in the stream -- she wouldn't be a bandit would she? That's kind of like PIRATING!
