Saturday, May 1, 2010

The big XC kickoff meeting and Summer Events

WhoooHooo! The Cross Country season looms near. Yeah, I know.. you're still involved with Track or thinking that Cross Country is a "fall sport". Truth is, IT'S NOT. The success and enjoyment of your Cross Country season is directly related to what you do this summer. That being said, our season really starts this month. Following are some dates and events to get the most out of the summer with your team (or team to be). Mark your calendars!

1st off we have the Cross Country Kickoff meeting on Friday May 21 at 1:20 in my room (G114) If you're wondering about the time, the schedule for that week calls for us to have a "C" day on that day due to Senior finals. This means I will be seeing you directly after school is out. During the meeting details will be provided about summer events, some training info, and the newly redesigned "log book" to keep track of summer mileage and adventures. This is not an optional meeting, anyone planning to run cross country should make it a priority to attend. Those who can't make it should make plans to see me before we are out of school for the summer. The same information will also be provided at the mini camp in June for incoming 9th graders and other new recruits.

Here is a quick list of other summer events:

When and Where:
June 7th 6-8:00pm Creve Coeur Park (upper level gravel lot by tennis courts)
June 8th 6-8:00 pm Creve Coeur Park (lake side lot by Falls)
June 9th 6-8:00pm Creve Coeur Park (upper level gravel lot by tennis courts)

What: An introduction to the sport of Cross Country for grades 7-12: Advice on training, stretching, running mechanics, nutrition, shoe info, racing, motivation and fun.
This is an instructional camp for new runners and a training camp for veterans
Specific details will also be provided about other summer events such as our training camp and 6 hour run.
Expense: None, it’s FREE!

What you need to bring: - proof of insurance (photocopy of insurance card)
- water bottle
-running shoes and dressed to run

Wednesday Night RunsNew dates and times June 16, 23,30 / July 14, 21, 28
– Informal weekly group runs
- meet at 6:45 pm – BE PROMPT – Run starts at 7:00 sharp
- Locations will vary – check the blog for a complete list at
- distances / routes will be decided by the group
-This is a “group run”. The goal is to run together, although we make break into sub groups to accommodate different ability levels

Pattonville XC Team Training Campout July 7-9 – Cuivre River State Park (you must be able to run continously for 8 miles to attend- good motivation to start running now if not already, huh?)

6 hour Run-a-thon (Team Fundraiser) New date and time July 3o, 5:30-11:30pm – PHS Track - See Coach Fader for Fundraiser Pledge forms

PIRATE MILEAGE CLUB – run 300 or 400 miles over the 10 weeks of summer
How it Works
1) Record your mileage in your running log during the summer. This is an honor system. Have Integrity.
2) The count starts May 31st and ends the day before our first practice (Aug. 9th)
3) Only one award is allowed per season, but 400 mile club winners may opt for a bowl instead of a T-Shirt.
4) Turn in your completed running log at the first practice
1) You will earn the satisfaction of attaining a goal.
2) You will improve tremendously and reap the benefits of excellent fitness.
3) You will collect a whole summers worth of running adventures and memories.
4) You will earn the following awards:
- 300 miles = a hand-made Pirate Cereal bowl by a local artist/coach, perfect for pre-race breakfast or post-race ice cream.
- 400 miles = an exclusive Pirate Mileage Club T-shirt

1st day of practice is August 9th, 2009 (8-9:30 a.m. High School Stadium)
-You must have a completed sports physical
- Bring your Training Log

That's it for now. I hope you're as excited as I am. See you on May 21st if not before.


  1. Excited indeed Coach! :)
    Thank you so much for planning all of this! Do we know who will be replacing Coach Fitz?

  2. We're still in the process of finding a new coach. Hopefully, we will know by the meeting.

  3. For those Seniors that are staying close for college - what above can we go to? :) I'm not ready to leave you guys yet!

  4. Coach Fader... @ around what time that Friday July 9 would we get back from the camp out? I have another thing that also starts that day but I am sure (or I hope) it would work out...
