Sunday, September 19, 2010

News for the week: September 20-25

Practice Week of Sept.20- Sept. 25
Daily Practice time is 2:30-5:25 mon-thurs and 2:30 -4:50 on *fridays (unless noted otherwise)- Always meet at the stadium * The activity bus only runs at 5:00pm on friday
Mon. 20th - drive to O'connor Park
Tues. 21st - drive to Creve Coeur upper level
Wed. 22rd - drive to Vago
Thurs. 23th - High School - Varsity only - no practice for teh rest of the team
Fri. 24th - Hazelwood West Inv. at Koch Park (details below) Bus leaves stadium at 2:35
Saturday 25th - (optional)Katy Trail Community Service Opportunity 8:30-12:30 - Meet at PHS at 8:30 - carpool to Katy trail near the page extension bridge. We will help the St. Charles Parks Dept. clear honeysuckle from the area around the trail from 9-12pm. We should be back at PHS by 12:30. They provide gloves, insect spray and safety glasses, but bring your own if you prefer. Make sure to wear durable footwear, long pants and long sleeves (cotton is fine). We are bringing a cooler for water, but make sure to bring a bottle just as we do in practice.

Meet Information this week:
Due to changes in the location and structure of the meet we will not attend the Hazelwood Freshman/Sophomore meet originally scheduled for Sept. 22.

Hazelwood West Invitational - Friday Sept. 24
Location: Koch Park
Bus Leaves Stadium immediately after school at 2:35. We will not make it back for the activty bus, please make arrangements for a ride home from school after the meet.

Race times:
4:00 Varsity Boys
4:30 Varsity Girls
5:00 Junior Varisty Boys
5:30 Junior Varsity Girls

Directions to Koch Park:
- take 27o east/north
- exit at McDonnell and turn left off exit ramp
- McDonnell becomes Howdershell - stay straight
Koch Park is located at the corner of Charbonier and Howdershell - Turn left onto Charbonier and then another left into the park.

-SWEATS - While this week looks to be a bit warm, cool and rainy days will come soon enough. Be prepared and bring extra socks/shirt and sweats from here on out. As it gets cooler hats and gloves will also be necessary. Please remember meet sweats are only for meets. Don't spend a fortune on sweats, any nylon sweats from Target, Kohls or Walmart will work great. You can get cotton garden gloves for $1.00 at most stores and I found a great hat myself for two bucks at walmart.

- MEET Attendance- If for some reason you can not attend a meet (and it needs to be a really good reason), please let Coach Fader know in writing as soon as possible. An email or simply a hand written note is fine. This is important in terms of me remembering and also a critical factor when entering meets.

-Meet Schedule Changes- There have been a few changes to the meet schedule. Please see the next blog post which has a updated schedule for the rest for the season.

-Race Photos- pics from the Forest Park Festival and Freshman/Sophmore meet last week have been posted to our photo site. Check em' out by clicking the PHS Cross Country Pics link on the sidebar of this blog. Thanks again to Mr. H for the fine photography.

Upcoming Events:
Sept. 28th - PHS/FZE/Villa Duchesne tri meet- not really a good one to watch- details at practice
October 1st- Ron Jorgeson Inv. - Queeny Park

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