Sunday, July 18, 2010

Hot Temps and the wednesday night runs!

It appears we are getting a pretty fair dose of summer heat this year. Givin new state ruling on how summer events for athlectic teams can be conducted, we will cancel any wednesday run when the "humiditemp" is above 105 degrees. I apologize to those who have experienced these cancellations already and ask that you cope with us as we adjust to new summer regulations this year. Basically, if it is really hot (mid 90s or so) and your in doubt, just stay home. Hopefully, the temps will cool down and we will get the two remaining runs in before the end of the summer.

You can find times and locations for the next two wednesday runs in the previous post.

1 comment:

  1. A suggestion, Coach, to the students. Since these are easy social runs on Wed. -- if they get in a decent run in the early morning when it's cool, if the evening practice is called on account of excessive heat, they'll have avoided adding a zero to the logbook. If they do run in the evening they have a good mileage day!
