Sunday, July 11, 2010

Mark Your Calendars!.. and Pre-Season News

I have lots of good and important information to share with you as we wind out the summer and approach the school year. I know.. it's only the beginning of July ..and I hate seeing the school supplies already lining the store shelves, but summers end will be here before you know it. Maybe this little wake up call will motivate you to get out and run if you have not been already. Read up and make the best of the rest of your summer.

You will need an up to date Physical in order to run on the first day of practice. So don't wait too long. You can find an electronic copy of the physical form by clicking the activities button on the left side of the PHS website at
You can bring the form to your doctor or Athletic Physical Exams will also be offered at the high school.
Physical exams will be held at PHS on July 22 from 3-6 pm in the Multipurpose Room. You must call the Activities Office (314-213-8051 Ext. 8058) to RSVP as an overall count of attendees is needed in order to schedule appropriate medical personnel. Cost of physical is $25.

2010-11 Fall Activities and Athletic Practice Information
Please read the message on the PHS site regarding practice info.

Wednesday Night Runs for the remainder of the summer
We only have three more runs this summer. Be sure to make it out if you can.
Following are the dates and times:
Please note: Wednesday night runs will be cancelled if the "humiditemp" is above 105 degrees.
JULY 14th
Location: Queeny Park (meet at the playground, there is a parking lot just across the street)
Team Host: Geri will lead you on some cool trails around the park.
Time: Meet at 6:45pm - runs starts promptly at 7:00pm
Directions: Take Hwy 270 south to I-40/64 then south on 141 ( also called Woods Mill Road ) 1 1/2 miles to Clayton. Exit on Clayton and go left 1/2 mile to Weidmann. Turn right on Weidmann Rd. The main park entrance is 2 1/2 miles down on your left. It is marked clearly with a sign.

JULY 21st
Location: Pattonville High School Campus
Team Host: Coach Kern
Time: Meet at 6:45 - run starts promptly at 7:00pm

JULY 28th (this will be the last of our Wed. runs this summer)
Location: McNair Park ( run the course we will race this season)
Team Host: Hannah
Time: Meet at 6:45pm - run starts promptly at 7:00
- I-70 west
-Take the First Capital exit and turn right off the exit ramp
-Left on West Clay
-Right on Droste
-Follow Droste until you see the park entrance on the right.

Some other cool upcoming runs:
You may be interested in trying your hand at one of these upcoming 5k runs.

First is a new run that looks pretty fun. The Barefoot 5k is held on a golf course in University. Barefoot running will likely alter your form slightly and work your muscles a bit differently than when running with shoes. I recommend practicing on several occasions on a clean grassy lot or run the race somewhat conservatively to prevent injury. More info here:

I highly recommend the Mud Mountain 5k held July 24th. It's run on the same course as we will race this season on the campus at SIUE. The race is very well attended and tons of fun. Find more info here:

PHS Cross Country 6 hour Run-athon Information

To: All current PHS cross-country runners (incoming Fresh included), parents, and alumni

From: The 2010 Pattonville High School Cross Country Team

What: We are having a RUN-ATHON to raise money for the team. Donations are always welcome, but we’ve come up with a way to have a lot of fun, get everyone involved, raise money, and get in some mileage at the same time!!!

Your challenge: to run as many miles as possible in six hours! You’ll have time to run, rest, recover, and then run a few more miles. Ask your friends, family, co-workers, and everyone you know to pledge just a little money per mile (even $0.25 would be great), and then surprise them with how far you end up running and how much they end up owing you!
You can even consider this a competition between this year’s runners, their parents, and the alumni. Who can run the most miles? Who can raise the most money? The challenge is on! We dare you to accept!

When: Friday, July 30, 2010 from 5:30pm to 11:30pm. (Feel free to bring a sleeping bag, food, games, etc.)

Where: Pattonville High School track. We will also try to set up a course around the campus for a change of scenery.

Pledge form: I have given out a packet with this same information at most of our events this summer. Most of you should already have a pledge form. So get out and get a few pledges before our run on the 30th. You will collect from your contributors after the run. If you need a form I'll be out of town again for a bit, but I will have some at the July 28th Wednesday run or you can email me your address and I'll mail you one the last week of July. My email :

A few more important dates: ( updated again - 7/25)
July 31- August 8th -Dead Period (No school scheduled Cross Country events) but you should definitely be running on your own.
Aug. 9th: 1st official practice 8:00-9:30 High School Stadium - you need to be there.
Aug. 10: Practice 7:30-11 am, Meet at PHS stadium (Tentatively we will be taking a bus to some local trails for our runs on Aug. 10-11)
Aug. 11 : Practice 7:30-11 am, Meet at PHS stadium
Freshman will be excused from the morning practice due to Freshman orientation.
Freshman practice: 1:45- 3:00 meet at the stadium dressed out and ready to run. (details TBA)
Aug. 12: Practice 3- 5 pm Meet at Creve Coeur Park, location TBA
Aug. 13: Practice 3-5 pm Meet at Creve Coeur Park , location TBA
Aug. 16 1st day of school - Practice will be from 2:30 -5:30 everyday for the entire season.

2010 (Tentative) Pattonville Cross Country Meet Schedule
* means confirmed date - others may change and times will be announced later in the season
Wed. Aug 25 Green and White Meet 5:30pm (Pattonville High School)
* Tues. Aug. 31 Fleet Feet XC Kickoff (Quail Ridge Park)
* Sat. Sept. 11 Big River Forest Park XC Festival (Forest Park)
Sat. Sept 18 Edwardsville Inv. (SIUE campus)
Tues. Sept. 28 PHS/FZE/Villa tri meet (McNair Park)
Wed. Sept 22 Hazelwood Fresh/Soph meet (Sioux Passage Park)
Fri. Sept. 24 Hazelwood West Inv. (Koch Park)
Fri. Oct. 1 Ron Jorgenson Inv. (Queeny Park)
Sat. Oct. 9 Pattonville Middle Schools XC Meet(high School) -NOT a race for us ,butwe will have a practice and team members are expected to help run off the meet.
Sat. Oct. 16 Conference Meet TBA
Sat. Oct. 23 District TBA
Wed. Oct. 27 Finn Dawg Inv. Girls (Kirkwood park)
Wed. Oct 27 Findley Inv. Boys (Forest Park)
Sat. Oct.30 Sectional
Sat. Nov. 6 State Meet (Jefferson City)

WHew...that was a huge amount info..mark your calendars and I hope you make it to the rest of our summer events. Don't forget to keep recording your runs in the log and bring it on the first day of practice. Have questions? email me at
May your runs be least some of them.

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