Saturday, August 1, 2009

12 Hour Relay Results

Photographic proof that aliens attempted to abduct one of our runners using some sort of tractor beam during the 12 hour relay. Thankfully, he was too fast for the device.

THE 12 HOUR RELAY WAS A GREAT SUCCESS! While our participant number could have been better, those that came proved they were up for the challenge. The weather was ideal as 11 team members joined together to form the 2009 pattonville 12 hour relay team. Each member ran 1 mile then handed the "pirate baton" to the next for a continous cycle throughout the night. The run started at 7:25 pm on July 30th and the mighty pirate runners continued doing laps until 7:25 July 31st. Below you will find some details about the race and I also have mile splits tallied on a seperate results sheet I will give to participants. Keep in mind mile averages below are based on those miles that were recorded. A few people missed a few and I also did not average in the times of the "extra miles" a few of you ran.

Runner/Average mile pace/ Miles completed
Kevin C (6:56 average) 10*?
Geri (7:22 average) 11*
Hannah (8:21 average) 6
Elise (8:59 average) 3
Sean (6:04 average) 14*
Rachel (8:38 average) 11*
Melissa (7:53 average) 11*
Sophia (8:58 average) 9
Sofia G. (7:47 average) 11*
Mike G. (6:07 average) 11*
Chelsea (8:15 average) 10
Gina – ran a mile or two, however there was no record of her times or mileage

A few of you ran extra miles with your teammates during the event:
Kevin: not sure of number of extra miles or times, but I’m pretty sure he ran at least 1
Geri: 1 (8:09)
Sean: 4 (times not recorded)
Rachel: 1 (9:11)
Melissa: 1(8:46)
Sofia G. 1(7:49)
Mike 1? (time not recorded)

Total miles completed by the team in 12 hours: 98 official (107 counting extra miles by some)
Total complete revolutions of relay team roster: 10
Total of team members present for the run : 11
Weather: Excellent and somewhat unexpected for late July, partly cloudy with a low around 60 degrees F...very light wind..a night made for running.

Coaches Notes:
- Outstanding work and dedication by those in attendance. Many of you had a busy schedule the following day, but enjoyed the event and put your best efforts forth. This was a great start to your 2009 XC season. Make sure to record your miles and thoughts in your log.
- Great to see the support and camaraderie of team members throughout the event. Cheering went on throughout the night and positive vibes from all kept it up beat as fatigue set in during the wee hours of the morning.
-All times and the mileage counts above are based on the log kept during the event. Mistakes are possible as the log was difficult to follow, but Props to all for recording your mileage despite the zombiesque trance of a very long night.
- Room for improvement- I would like to see more of the team attend these events.



  1. Coach Fader I was just looking ahead through my calendar and wondering about dates for meets in the upcoming season just to have them marked.

    We're doing the following correct?
    - XC Kickoff @ Quail Ridge 9/1
    -XC Festival @ Forest Park 9/12
    -Hancock Invite @ Jeff Barracks 9/26
    -Parkway West Invi. @ McNair 10/03
    _- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    Now for the life of me I couldn't find the dates online for -->

    SIUE Mud Mountain meet
    Kirkwood Girls Invite (usually after conferences)

    Do you have any more info on these?

    Thank You so Much!

    Sofia Gonzalez

    P.S. Is that sean with the alien abduction? :)

  2. Sofia,
    Good detective work. You're right about the meets you mentioned except we are not going to Hancock. We will do the Haz. West Inv. instead on sept 25. E-ville Inv (at SIUE) is on Sept. 19. Our Conference meet is Oct. 17. I'll give out a complete list monday at practice. I'll also likely post it to the blog later this week.
    By the way.. I think that is Sean out running the aliens.
    See ya Monday.

  3. Just wanted to say thanks Coach! The 12 hour relay was a success!
