Sunday, July 12, 2009

Summer 12 Hour Relay

Announcing the Pattonville Cross Country Summer 12-hour Relay

When: Relay starts at 7 p.m. Thursday July 30th and end JUly 31st at 7a.m.

Where: Pattonville Stadium

What: A 12-hour relay is a team (or teams) of 10-12 runners which alternate running a mile over a period of 12 hours.

Who: Any Pattonville Cross Country team member (including incoming freshman) that has enough training to complete at least 10 miles over the period of the night. Remember these will not be consecutive miles. Approximately 9 people will run a mile in between each mile you run.

Why: Just because...accomplishment...shared experience...utilize that summer mileage ...FUN!

Cost: Effort – it’s tough but extremely rewarding mentally and very memorable

What to bring: Changes of clothes/socks, Vasoline to avoid rubs and blisters, rain gear, power gels/bars, snacks that won’t make you sick!, your pillow, magazines, flashlight, towel, bug spray, a great attitude...

Parents: show up at intervals to help chaperone & encourage...or stay all night
-Can field a parent team of walkers if interested.
- Other ways to help: we’ll set up some tents, maybe bring some camp stoves and fire up some pancakes in the morning???

Commitment: If you say you’re going to do it! This is a group effort and if you back out, someone else has to run more times and more often. Of course, do NOT do it if you are that case give us as much notice as possible & try to find a sub.

Sign up - Please email Coach Fader at and let me know if you will be participating. I will send you some more information about the event and a permission form to be signed by your parents. You will need to bring the signed permission form with you to the relay or complete one on your arrival. (Keep in mind you will need a parent signature)

In addition to the announcement here, I am sending out an email to everyone whose email address I currently have on file the permission form and some recommendations for participating in the event. If you do not receive this email please contact me and I will send you one.

One last word of note. I will be on vacation for a period of time between now and then, so don't panic if you don't hear from me immediately. I will get back to you before the event.

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