Sunday, July 5, 2009

Thursday Night Run 7/9/2009 and Fun Stuff

Howdy Runners,
I hope you all (if anyone actually reads this :-) had a great 4th of July and found a chance to get out and run. What better way to celebrate our independence than to enjoy the simplicity and freedom that can be found in a run. I had a great run in the pouring rain in which I thought a lot about how thankful I am to be able to just head out my door and run where I please. Freedom like that is not possible everywhere in the world. I was especially reminded of this during last weeks thursday run when one of your teammates mentioned the dangers of being out and about in another country she had spent the first part of this summer visting. So continue to celebrate your freedom and enjoy your runs.

While the post concerning the schedule for the Thursday night runs is still accessible on the blog, I will also make a short post as a reminder each week. This week, thursday 7/9 we will meet at the usual time at O'connor Park. See ya there.

Summer is now in full swing and I found an appropriate little ad to share. If you have not seen any of the Brooks Running Superfan ads, you might check them out for some running entertainment.
Here is one of my favorites

Enjoy some ice cream... after a loooooong run. :-)


  1. haha oh yeah I'm defenitely happy to be back in the country where I'm not scared to go out and run! lol
    well just so you know I'm feeling MUCH better and I will be there this Thursday at O'Connor!


  2. Coach Fader the videos are hilarious!
    I have to admit that my favorite was the "ultra-marathon" episode.Vlassic, poor guy still had 100+ miles to go. At least he didn't have the hills from O'Connor like this evening!
