Sunday, August 16, 2009

News for the Week- August 17 -22

Practice Week of Aug. 17-21st
2:30-5:25pm (unless noted otherwise)- Always meet at the stadium
Mon. 17th - High School
Tues. 18th - Forest Park (bus)- Bring inexpensive cameras to run with, not everyone needs one.
Wed. 19th - High school - sweats and uniforms handed out after practice. finished by5:30
Thurs. 20th- Katy Trail Mile (bus)- 1st time trial of the season
Fri. 21st - High School- finished by 5:00 bus

- Make sure you have turned in your survey- ask Coach Fader if unsure
- Don't forget to buy your team T-shirt before team pictures next week.

Important upcoming dates:
- Team pictures will be on Tuesday Aug. 25 before practice -photo order forms will be given out late this week.
- Mark your calendars for the Green and White meet on August 26th. This is a 2 mile race on the high school course. It's a handicapped race, meaning everyone has a chance to win. We will have a picnic afterward. Details to come.

Running tip:
Water is your bodies coolant. Thirst is not a good indicator of fluid needs. Make sure you are staying hydrated during the day by keeping a bottle of water with you.

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