Sunday, September 6, 2009

News for the Week: September 7-12, 2009

Practice Schedule
2:30-5:25 (unless noted otherwise) Always meet at the stadium.
Mon. 7th- Labor Day - Enjoy a distance run on your own. A good day to hit the trails.
Tues. 8th - Matson Trails (bus)- Hints: What is the longest hill you have run up? Make sure you have a watch today. *We will try to be back for the 5:30 activity bus, but could be late. Please make arrangements for rides if needed.

Wed. 9th - Forest Park (bus)
Thurs. 10th - Gentry Park (driving)
Fri. 11th - High School- freshman and a few others off (listen for directions on thursday)
Sat. 12th - Forest Park XC Festival

Notes: A big thank you goes out to all the parents/gaurdians for signing and understanding the need for the driving permission form. The chance to frequently get off campus enables our team to train on diverse terrain/conditions and offers some much needed variety to our daily practice. Your support is greatly appreciated.

Forest Park XC Festival Information
Location: Forest Park Central Ball Fields - Directions below
Date: Saturday September 12, 2009
Times: Meet at the stadium no later than 6:40am (tardiness may mean missing the bus)
Bus leaves for the meet at 7:00am sharp.

Pattonville is in the "White Division" for all races, only our race times are listed below.
8:10 JV Boys race (5k)
9:20 JV Girls (4k)
10:30 Varsity Boys (5k)
11:30 Varsity Girls (5k)
12:40 Freshman Boys (3k)
1:00 Freshman Girls (3k)
2:00 Awards
****Attention Team members****- If you can not attend the meet due to the ACT, please notify Coach Fader ASAP at

Runner Celebrity Siting: US Olympian Brian Sell will be at the meet (don't worry he is not racing) for autographs and to meet participants. You can learn more about this super fast marathoner by checking out the Big River website link above.

Directions: The race course is located on the Central Ball Fields in Forest Park. From PHS take HWY 70 east to HWY 170 south then go east on FOrest PArk Parkway. You can take the parkway all the way to Forest park and enter just as you cross over Lindell. Once in the park make a quick left on Grand (over a small bridge) and you will be facing the Central Fields. Veer left onto Jefferson OR right onto Union and find a parking spot.

Tuesday Sept. 15 - Pattonville/St. Charles West fresh/soph meet at McNair Park 4:00pm
Saturday Sept. 19 - Edwardsville Invitational at SIUE 9:00am


  1. Coach Fader,
    Did you know that Brian Sell will be coming to the Fores Park XC meet? I was looking at their info and apparently he'll be there signing autographs and sponsoring Brooks..

  2. Yeah, I meant to mention that above. Thanks for the reminder.
