Sunday, September 13, 2009

Forest Park Cross Country Festival Results

Saturday brought sunny skies and warm temps for the biggest (and longest) meet we will attend this season. For the Varsity teams and JV Boys it was also their first shot at a 5K race this season. I saw a lot of great effort in all the races and I know a few PRs were set.

Regardless, if your race was super good or a little-off it can be a valuable learning opportunity? Ask yourself: What did you do well in the race? What could you have done better? Did you achieve your goals? Is this a step in the right direction for your long term goals? If not, what can you learn from this race to get you where you want to go?

Congratulation to the Varsity Girls team for 1st place in the White Division Varsity race. WoooHOOOO!

Results will be passed out at practice, but you can also find them at

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