Sunday, August 30, 2009

Congrats to Summer Mileage Club Members

Congratulations to the following team members for their summer mileage accomplishments. The Pirate Mileage Club was established this year to reward team members for training through the summer, which is a necessity for the Varsity level runner.
The club has two levels with different awards for total mileage accomplished in the 10 week period of summer break. Following is a list of this years winners and their rewards.

300 milers receive a handmade ceramic cereal bowl by a local artist/coach :-)
Geri F. 328 miles
Kevin L. 302 miles

400 milers receive an exclusive Pirate Mileage Club T-shirt.
Hannah J. 408 miles
Sofia G. 413 miles
Mike G. 424 miles
Sean Z. 503 miles

Congrats to this years winners and remember the greatest reward for your work is how it will payoff during the XC season.

News for the Week Aug. 31- Sept. 6

Practice Schedule- 2:30- 5:25pm (unless noted otherwise) Always meet at the stadium

Mon. 31st- High School - Workout /Race info, maps and Mileage awards presented
Tues. 1st - Fleet Feet Kickoff Meet - meet at stadium at 2:30 for Bus (meet details below)
Wed. 2nd - usual meet time / drive to Creve Coeur Upper area (if all driving permission slips have been returned)
Thurs. 3rd - O'connor Park - Hills today!
Fri. 4th - No school- Staff Development Day- Returning runners do a long run today!
New runner's do 1 hour of cross training

Labor day weekend workouts:
Saturday: Returning runner's do a tempo run and core/strength exercises
New runner's - conversation pace run 3 miles plus core/strength exercises

Sunday: Off- rest day

Monday (Labor Day): standard distance run - a good day for some trail running.

Fleet Feet XC Kickoff Information:
Check out the website at:
Location: Quail Ridge Park in St. Charles County
Date: Tuesday Septemeber 1st
2:35 Bus leaves PHS
4:15 JV Boys/Open race
4:45 JV Girls/ Open race
5:15 Varsity Boys
5:15 Varsity Girls
6:15 Pizza Party/Awards
7:15 ish Bus leaves for PHS
7:45-8:00ish - arrive back at PHS (stadium lot)

Directions to meet:
-I-70 west
-Exit onto 40/61 south
-At the first stop light Callahan Rd. turn right
-Then make an immediate right on to Quail Ridge Parkway
- The park entrance is approximately 3/4 mile on the left
- Stay straight after the entrance and drive to the back of the park.
Drive time approximately 30 minutes from 70&270

Upcoming Meets:
-Forest Park XC festival -Sept. 12
-Pattonville/Saint Charles West Fresh/Soph meet- Tues Sept. 15 (we put this one on)

Sunday, August 23, 2009

News for the Week -August 24-29th

Practice 2:30-5:25pm (unless noted otherwise)Always meet at the stadium

Mon. 24th - Bus to McNair Park - "Rainy day make-up 8oos"
Do you still need to buy a team shirt? Sorry-out of smalls

Tues. 25th - Team Picture before practice
Wear - your team T-shirt and black shorts
Bring - photo order form and $ if buying photos

Wed. 26th - Green and White Meet. Meet at the Stadium at 4:00. Details below.

Thurs. 27 -Bus to Sioux Passage park for the "Coach Lamb Special"
- You will need to bring a towel

Fri. 28 - Bus to Quail Ridge Park ** possibly return later than 5:00 activity bus. **

Green and White Meet Details
Place: PHS campus 2 mile course- meet at the Track
Wear: uniform, but bring sweats to get in the habit and just in case.
Time: meet at the stadium at 4pm
Race Time: 5:00pm with a picnic following post-race stretching
Food to bring for picnic:
Freshman: Fruits/Vegetables
Sophomores: Drinks
Juniors: Main dish
Seniors: Sweets
Remember to bring your camera and invite your friends and family!

Important Upcoming Dates:
- Our first official meet will be the Fleet Feet XC Kickoff at Quail Ridge park next tuesday (Sept.1)

- No school on Friday Sept. 4 (staff Development day) or Monday Sept. 7 (Labor day)

Running Tip of the Week: A small ,healthy snack immediately after practice will help your body recover. Fruit, granola or cereal bars are good choices.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

News for the Week- August 17 -22

Practice Week of Aug. 17-21st
2:30-5:25pm (unless noted otherwise)- Always meet at the stadium
Mon. 17th - High School
Tues. 18th - Forest Park (bus)- Bring inexpensive cameras to run with, not everyone needs one.
Wed. 19th - High school - sweats and uniforms handed out after practice. finished by5:30
Thurs. 20th- Katy Trail Mile (bus)- 1st time trial of the season
Fri. 21st - High School- finished by 5:00 bus

- Make sure you have turned in your survey- ask Coach Fader if unsure
- Don't forget to buy your team T-shirt before team pictures next week.

Important upcoming dates:
- Team pictures will be on Tuesday Aug. 25 before practice -photo order forms will be given out late this week.
- Mark your calendars for the Green and White meet on August 26th. This is a 2 mile race on the high school course. It's a handicapped race, meaning everyone has a chance to win. We will have a picnic afterward. Details to come.

Running tip:
Water is your bodies coolant. Thirst is not a good indicator of fluid needs. Make sure you are staying hydrated during the day by keeping a bottle of water with you.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

12 Hour Relay Results

Photographic proof that aliens attempted to abduct one of our runners using some sort of tractor beam during the 12 hour relay. Thankfully, he was too fast for the device.

THE 12 HOUR RELAY WAS A GREAT SUCCESS! While our participant number could have been better, those that came proved they were up for the challenge. The weather was ideal as 11 team members joined together to form the 2009 pattonville 12 hour relay team. Each member ran 1 mile then handed the "pirate baton" to the next for a continous cycle throughout the night. The run started at 7:25 pm on July 30th and the mighty pirate runners continued doing laps until 7:25 July 31st. Below you will find some details about the race and I also have mile splits tallied on a seperate results sheet I will give to participants. Keep in mind mile averages below are based on those miles that were recorded. A few people missed a few and I also did not average in the times of the "extra miles" a few of you ran.

Runner/Average mile pace/ Miles completed
Kevin C (6:56 average) 10*?
Geri (7:22 average) 11*
Hannah (8:21 average) 6
Elise (8:59 average) 3
Sean (6:04 average) 14*
Rachel (8:38 average) 11*
Melissa (7:53 average) 11*
Sophia (8:58 average) 9
Sofia G. (7:47 average) 11*
Mike G. (6:07 average) 11*
Chelsea (8:15 average) 10
Gina – ran a mile or two, however there was no record of her times or mileage

A few of you ran extra miles with your teammates during the event:
Kevin: not sure of number of extra miles or times, but I’m pretty sure he ran at least 1
Geri: 1 (8:09)
Sean: 4 (times not recorded)
Rachel: 1 (9:11)
Melissa: 1(8:46)
Sofia G. 1(7:49)
Mike 1? (time not recorded)

Total miles completed by the team in 12 hours: 98 official (107 counting extra miles by some)
Total complete revolutions of relay team roster: 10
Total of team members present for the run : 11
Weather: Excellent and somewhat unexpected for late July, partly cloudy with a low around 60 degrees F...very light wind..a night made for running.

Coaches Notes:
- Outstanding work and dedication by those in attendance. Many of you had a busy schedule the following day, but enjoyed the event and put your best efforts forth. This was a great start to your 2009 XC season. Make sure to record your miles and thoughts in your log.
- Great to see the support and camaraderie of team members throughout the event. Cheering went on throughout the night and positive vibes from all kept it up beat as fatigue set in during the wee hours of the morning.
-All times and the mileage counts above are based on the log kept during the event. Mistakes are possible as the log was difficult to follow, but Props to all for recording your mileage despite the zombiesque trance of a very long night.
- Room for improvement- I would like to see more of the team attend these events.