Sunday, September 25, 2011

News of the week:Sept. 26- Oct. 1

Practice Week of Sept.26- 30
Daily Practice time is 2:30-5:25 mon-thurs and 2:30 -4:50 on *fridays (unless otherwise noted)- Meet in your coaches classroom (Boys - Coach Simmons) (Girls - Coach Zoll)
* The activity bus only runs at 5:00pm on friday

Mon. 26th
- bus to McNair park
Tues. 27th - bus to Queeny park - tour the course
Wed. 28th - Phs campus
Thurs. 29th - Phs campus
Fri. 30th -Ron Jorgenson Inv. - details below
Weekend -Saturday off, long run on Sunday

Ron Jorgenson Memorial Invitational
Queeny Park
Date: Friday Sept. 30
Race Schedule: (All races are 5K)
4:00 Fresh Boys
4:30 JV Girls
5:00 JV Boys
5:30 Varsity Girls
6:00 Varsity Boys
6:30 Awards

Directions to Queeny Park:
- South Hwy 270
- West Hwy 40
- Exit on 141 south (also called Woods Mill Road ) go 1 1/2 miles to Clayton
- Exit on Clayton and go left 1/2 mile to Weidmann.
- Turn right on Weidmann Rd. The main park entrance is 2 1/2 miles down on your left. It is marked clearly with a sign.
Inside the park take the first left and the race will start near the upper parking lot.

Upcoming Events and Announcements:
Meet Schedule change:
You may have noticed that the Dual Meet with Fort Zumwalt East is no longer on our agenda for Tuesday. This particular "practice like" meet was very tentatively scheduled and it was agreed by both schools to pass on holding it this year, partially due to difficulties with new rules governing meets.

Friday Oct. 7th
- No school and "Apple Run" (optional)
Meet in the morning at the high school and car pool to Pere Marquette state park for a trail run. Afterwards we will go to Eckert’s Orchard to pick apples. We will return to the high school in the late afternoon. This could turn into a "pumpkin run"with an alternate location if apples are in short supply this late in the season.

Saturday Oct. 8th - Morning Practice (Varsity required) - all team members looking to be the best they can be should participate.

Saturday Oct. 15th - Conference Meet at Koch Park

Monday, November 21- Cross Country Awards Night 6:00-8:00pm(tentatively)-I know it's a ways off, but mark your calendars now. Details in a later post.

Quote of the week:
It is not the mountain we conquer, but ourselves. ~Sir Edmund Hillary

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