Saturday, September 17, 2011

News of the Week: Sept. 19 -24

Practice Week of Sept.19- 24
Daily Practice time is 2:30-5:25 mon-thurs and 2:30 -4:50 on *fridays (unless otherwise noted)- Meet in your coaches classroom (Boys - Coach Simmons) (Girls - Coach Zoll)
* The activity bus only runs at 5:00pm on friday

Mon. 19th - PHS campus ** Wear your team shirt to the pep assembly at the end of the day at meet in the commons before the assembly.
Tues. 20th - PHS campus
Wed. 21st - PHS campus
Thurs. 22nd-PHS campus
Fri. 23rd - Hazelwood West Inv. at Koch Park (details below) Bus leaves stadium at 2:35
Saturday 24th - Homecoming
Sunday 25th - run a long run on your own..or even better join some teammates.

Hazelwood West Invitational - Friday Sept. 23
Location: Koch Park
Bus Leaves Stadium immediately after school at 2:35. We will not make it back for the activity bus, please make arrangements for a ride home from school after the meet.

Race times:
4:00 Varsity Boys
4:30 Varsity Girls
5:00 Junior Varisty Boys
5:30 Junior Varsity Girls

Directions to Koch Park:
- take 27o east/north
- exit at McDonnell and turn left off exit ramp
- McDonnell becomes Howdershell - stay straight
Koch Park is located at the corner of Charbonier and Howdershell - Turn left onto Charbonier and then another left into the park.

Upcoming Events:

September 30- Ron Jorgeson Inv. - Queeny Park

Mark your calendars on Friday, October 7 for an (Optional)“Apple Run” We will meet in the morning at the high school and car pool over to a park for a trail run. Afterward, we will go to a nearby orchard for some apple picking good times. Please note, if apples are in short supply this late in the season it could turn into a "pumpkin run" instead. We will return to the high school in the late afternoon. Watch the blog for more specifics toward the end of the month.

While marking your calendars, Varsity runners (required) and those looking to push themselves to be the best they can be, will have a morning practice on Saturday Oct. 8 (the day after the Apple run)

Quote of the week “When work, commitment, and pleasure all become one and you reach that deep well where passion lives, nothing is impossible.” - Author unknown

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