Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Thank You is not enough...

Last winter I posted what I thought would be my last post on this blog. Since that time those who know me are aware that my family suffered a tremendous loss.  The past year was extraordinarily difficult and  the school year ended with great tragedy for us.  Thus, I don't want to sign off entirely until I express the immense feeling of gratitude I have for the team members, their families, alumni and the coaching staff of the Pattonville Cross Country team.  I can not begin to express just how much your support and prayers have meant to me and my family as we endured the past year and the loss of our daughter Delia. Finally, to see so many of you at my daughter's wake moved me beyond words and is a moment I will never forget.  To say thank you seems not nearly enough, but please know your support has meant the world to me and I am honored to know such outstanding people as yourselves.
As Cross Country season begins in a few weeks I will be intently watching from the sidelines and following my favorite team at PHS.  Best wishes for the new season and God Speed! 

 S. Fader (formally Coach Fader)

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