Sunday, January 6, 2013

2013 and change is good.

 I've always believed new years are exciting as they bring opportunities for renewed goals and a chance to start fresh. Frequently this means change.  As such, I'm sharing a recent decision that I would have preferred to deliver directly, but no longer have that option. After much thought (honestly several years worth) I have decided to hang up my coaching hat. At this point in life I need to adjust the balance of my time and energy demands to spend more time with my family and pursue some interests that I've put on hold while coaching.  This has been a difficult decision and I will greatly miss the time spent getting to know and working with such amazing people as yourselves (athletes, families and coaches).  I am also very thankful to have had the opportunity to witness the personal growth and accomplishments of many outstanding young people as well as be a part of the team work, positive lifestyle, and competition that our sport provides.  I'll always be a fan of the Pirate runners and I see great things happening for the team under the leadership of the current coaching staff, minus myself.
 I hope you all enjoy the new year and an opportunity for a fresh start. Best of luck to the Pirate Cross Country team for the 2013 Cross Country season and beyond.

 Coach Fader

PS.  While this is my last post, the blog remains as well as the rest of your coaching staff.  Watch here in the future for further announcements concerning the 2013 Cross Country season.


  1. It just won't be the same without you, Coach! Thank you for all you have done for Pattonville Cross Country...I know you will enjoy the time with your family and your art. If you start missing us, there is always a spot for you on Manmaker to get those Pirates up the hill!

  2. Thanks for the kind words and I'll miss you all alright...but I can rest assured the team is in great hands. Enjoy those hills!

  3. Coach Fader,
    I don't ever think that you'll realize the impact you have made on my life as a coach, as a mentor, and as a friend. Without you, I am sure I wouldn't have been as successful as I have been. I am deeply upset to hear this news because I cannot imagine the Cross Country team without you. You brought so much to the team with your cool sense of humor and your inspiring coaching styles. You are one of the most important reasons I have pushed myself to be more than just a runner. You have taught me not only the mechanics of running, but also all of the benefits that running brings to my life. Be it confidence, perseverance, pride, a sense of accomplishment, or an unbreakable will, running has become a staple part of my life because you were apart of it. I can never thank you enough for all that you have brought to my life, and I will never stop wanting to make you proud as an athlete. State next year will be for you Fader, thanks for everything.

  4. Sarah,
    Wow, thanks so much for the very thoughtful words. It really means a lot to me. You are yourself an inspiration and it has been a moving experience to see you grow as an individual and a runner. Your strength and passion come from within and I'm sure you will be successful in any challenge in which you apply yourself. You have a tightly knit team and great coaches, so you have much to look forward to in XC the next couple years. While I may no longer serve as your coach, I'll still be watching attentively from the sidelines. Keep me in the loop and let me know how you're doing from time to time. You have and continue to make me proud. Keep up the great work and I'll see you out at the races!

    PS. Geez, that was really a mushy thing for me to put out on the World Wide Web....
