Sunday, December 2, 2012

Winter is for Runners !

WooHoo!  December started off strangely warm, but variety like that is what makes the winter season great.  Notice I didn't say off-season. Real runner's run because they love to run.  Racing is just one way to enjoy the activity.  The beauty of being a runner is that we have "seasons" for competing and seasons  to change it up and enjoy other aspects of the sport.  Winter is a great time to enjoy your runs in a way not available any other time of the year.

   Trail running in the midwest is fantastic in the winter.  Trails are usually quiet and uncrowded. Plus the bugs and itchy plants are all gone. Those trails you ran in the summer months now offer a fresh new winterscape for you to explore. You are also very likely to see deer and other critters, but keep an eye out for areas where hunters might not be too excited about sharing the trails.

   Some "fair weather" runners will seek indoor torture running devices when the thermometer drops. Truthfully, your body will quickly adjust to cold temperatures and you will likely feel much better than you would on a hot summer day while running outside.  You can always wear more clothing, but you can't always cool off.  Also, given we live in the midwest we are almost guaranteed a variety of running conditions throughout the season to keep it interesting.  A good rule of thumb for clothing choices is to dress like you would if it was twenty degrees warmer and wear layers to adjust if needed. In particular, a hat and gloves go a long way to finding your comfort zone on chilly days.

  Finally, to make the most of your winter running you may want to set some goals.  Mileage goals or late winter races (focusing more on distance than speed) may be good categories for such goals. You can find race calendars on the running shops websites listed in the side bar.

Enjoy the winter season and stay tuned for information about the SNOWFLAKE 50 WINTER BREAK CHALLENGE coming soon.

Now to geek out on some winter running videos.  Enjoy..then go run.

Coach Z: This one is for you.

No... I'm not trying to grow my beard like this.

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