Sunday, October 28, 2012

Finishing Up 2012 - State, Middle School Meet and Awards Night

Another great season has almost come to an end, but there are some very important details to go over before we can call this journey complete.  Please pass this info on to your teammates to make sure it gets out to everyone.

MO State XC Championships - Congrats to Sarah and Will for making it to the big race. While we can't shuttle everyone down to Jefferson City, if you can arrange a ride feel free to join us at the meet and cheer on our Pirate runners as they compete against the best runners in the state.   (FYI -There is an entry fee of $7.00 to watch the meet and dogs are not allowed on the golf course)
Missouri State Championship Info. 
Race Times: Class 4 Boys: 9:35 am (Will's Race), Class 4 Girls: 10:35 am (Sarah's race)
Location -Oak Hills Golf center, 932 Ellis Blvd, Jefferson City, MO 65101
Directions: take 70 west, then US 54 West to the Ellis Blvd exit, take a left on Ellis Blvd and go straight over the overpass and a couple miles down you will find the course on your right- Parking is where ever you can find it.
MSHSAA website with State meet info: here

Pattonville Middle School Meet

The Middle School Cross Country meet which was cancelled last week has been rescheduled for Wednesday, November 7th.  Only the Pattonville Middle School teams will be competing, but we need your help to create a positive experience for many who will hopefully be your teammates next year. Attendance by all PHS team members is expected.  Please let your coach know if you are participating in a winter sport and are unable to attend. 

When: Wednesday, November 7
Where: O'Connor Park -(we are checking bus transportation, watch here for update)
Time: We will arrive at the park about 3:15, the race will start at 4:00

Awards Night 
2012 Cross Country Awards Information
What ?
An evening to celebrate the Cross Country season, share memories, present awards, plan for the future, and a slide show to wrap it all up. We will enjoy pizza and a few desserts while giving out the awards.
When ?Monday, November 19 beginning at 6:00pm.
Tentative Schedule
6:00-7:30pm Individual and special awards
7:30-8:00pm move to auditorium for slide show
Where ?Meet in the PHS cafeteria for eats and awards. We will move to the Auditorium for the slide show after the awards. (No food/drink in the auditorium, please)
What should I do?- Show up with family and friends
- girls team - bring your fun award for your designated team member  Also, If you can not attend the awards banquet please notify your Coach so we can arrange to have your person still receive your special award.- bring a dessert (optional)
Dress?Nice, but casual
**You must have turned in your sweats and uniform to receive your award! **


- Team pictures have arrived.  Please stop by your coaches room to pick up your order.  Those not picked up will be available on awards night.

Uniforms and sweats should be clean and turned in directly to your Coach by November 1st. They must be in a bag with a tag clearly identifying your name. DO NOT leave them in one of our rooms laying around if we are not there.

- Team Members and Parents - Soon it will be time to assemble a slide show for the Awards night. We will gladly provide a disc or flash drive if anyone has photos from the season they would like to share . Thank you very much to those who have provided great pics already.

- Stay tuned to the blog over the winter months...soon I will post the details for a winter break might also find some motivational videos, winter road race opportunities and info on the National Cross Country Championships being held again this year in Forest Park this February. A couple of us braved the frigid temps to watch the races last year and I'll testify it was totally worth losing a few toes to frostbite....slight exaggeration used for impact
That about does it. See ya out on the roads and are still running right ?...remember we do this because it's FUN (type II).. and this is one of the best times of the year to be outside running. Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. CONGRATS to Sarah & Will!
    And to the coaching staff.

    Have a great State Experience.
