Saturday, July 2, 2011

Running Fun

August 8th will be here before you know it. To help keep motivation through the long days of summer I have a few running videos to share. I've posted a few of these before. Most are worth watching again, especially if you are having trouble getting out the door to run.

On a side note... remember my post a while back about the tortoise and the hare training over the summer. Well.. I went for a mountain bike ride the other day taking the Hamburg trail to get to the Lost Valley trail. Those who ran XC last year may remember the Hamburg trail from a trail run out at lost valley and from the "downhill mile" in the past. Anyway, as I approached the Hamburg trail head I saw a turtle and a rabbit coming toward me from the trail gate at the same time. No kidding, they were really both on their way off the trail. I wonder who won.

Now for some fun. Click the highlighted words to see each video.

Ice Cream run
Coaching at the playground
Why do you run? - Great!
Why do I run? - even better in my opinion
Fleet Feet XC Kickoff - one of our first meets this season...

Coach F

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