Sunday, July 24, 2011

Pre-Season Reminder's

I hope you have all had a great summer so far and I don't want to cut it short, but Cross Country season will officially kick off in just a couple weeks. Here are a few reminders of some events and things to take care of before we start daily practice.

Wednesday Night Runs –just one remains on July 27 (Check this blog for updates as a heat index above 105 will result in cancellation)
– Informal weekly group runs and fun !
- meet at 6:45 pm – BE PROMPT – Run starts at 7:00 sharp
- Locations: meet at Creve Coeur Park (upper level- gravel lot by the tennis courts)
- distances / routes will be decided by the group
-This is a “group run”. The goal is to run together, although we will break into sub groups to accommodate different ability levels

Athletic Physical Exams
Athletic physical exams are being offered at PHS on July 27 from 3-6 pm in the Multipurpose Room. Cost is $30 (cash). Students must RSVP to the activities office (314-213-8058) A.S.A.P.

You will need a current physical in order to participate in any sport at PHS. Physical forms can be picked up from the coaches or in the Activities office at the high school.

12 Hour Relay–July 28thCANCELED

1st day of official practice is August 8th, 2011 (8-9:30 a.m. High School-Under the Bridge in front of the high school) We will have practice every weekday after the 8th. Times and locations for practice the first week will be posted on the Blog at a later date and sent home in an introductory packet on the first day of practice.
**Practice is required beginning August 8th. You must have 14 practices in before you are allowed to run in a meet. All absences must be verified with a call or email to your Coach to be excused. Unexcused absences from practice will result in sitting out the next meet.

For the first day of practice you need the following:
-You must have a completed sports physical (PHS offers one on July 27th -see above) and an Emergency Card - both of these forms are available on-line here (click the forms tab on top of the page once at the PHS activities website)

- Bring your Training Log - A record of your summer running is very important to the coaches in terms of creating workouts to best fit your needs. For those new to the team, any kind of record of running mileage over the summer would be helpful, but is not mandatory.
Finally, an honestly completed log is required if you are interested in earning one of the Pirate Mileage Club awards below.

- Bring a friend. (not required, but good for everyone involved) New runner's are welcome, no experience is required other than a competitive spirit, an interest in running and the desire to reap the benefits of hard work. More than a few people have given cross country a try on a whim and later found themselves to be life long runners.

PIRATE MILEAGE CLUB – run 300 or 400 miles over the 10 weeks of summer

How it Works

1) Record your mileage in your running log during the summer. You must include location, distance or time for each run. This is an honor system. Have Integrity.

2) The count starts May 29th and ends the day before our first practice (Aug. 8th)

3) Only one award is allowed per season, but 400 mile club winners may opt for a bowl instead of a T-Shirt.

4) Turn in your completed running log at the first practice


1) You will earn the satisfaction of attaining a goal.

2) You will improve tremendously and reap the benefits of excellent fitness.

3) You will collect a whole summers worth of running adventures and memories.

4) You will earn the following awards:

- 300 miles = a hand-made Pirate Cereal bowl by a local artist/coach, perfect for pre-race breakfast or post-race ice cream.

- 400 miles = an exclusive Pirate Mileage Club T-shirt

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