Tuesday, July 31, 2012

The 2012 Cross Country Season Begins - Essential Info.

Monday, Aug. 6, 2012: First day of Cross Country Practice - Be there!
Time: 8-9:30 A.M. Meet on the Track at the High School. Meet under the bridge (auditorium side)

**Practice is required beginning August 6th. You must have 14 practices in before you are allowed to run in a meet. All absences must be verified with a call or email to your Coach to be excused. Unexcused absences from practice will result in sitting out the next meet.

You need to have the following for the first practice:

- Physical (We will have your name on a list if already turned in to the athletic office)- Emergency Card

- Activities Code (may be completed after the first practice)
- Voluntary Drug testing card (may be completed after the first practice)
  (All forms above can be obtained prior to practice by visiting the PHS Activities page, click the FORMS tab)
- training log book (if you have one) **you must have a log book to qualify for summer mileage awards. Other accurate and well kept records of summer mileage will be considered for new runners and incoming freshman)- Water bottle and watch
- dressed to run

- a water bottle

**While you will not be able to participate until you have turned in a Physical and Emergency Card, you need to attend the first practice to obtain a packet full of forms and important information concerning the cross country season. 

ATTENTION PARENTS: please make sure your athlete shares the first day packet with you after practice Monday. 

Practice times before school begins 

Tues. Aug. 7: Practice 8:00-10:00 am, Meet at Creve Coeur Park (upper level gravel lot, near tennis courts)

Wed. Aug. 8: Practice 8:00-10:00 am, Meet at O'Connor Park (directions here)

Thurs Aug 9 : Practice 8:00-10:00 am, 
Meet at Creve Coeur Park (upper level gravel lot, near tennis courts)

Fri. Aug. 10: Practice 8:00- 10:00am, 
Meet at Creve Coeur Park (upper level gravel lot, near tennis courts) (Freshman are excused from practice friday for Transition day at PHS)

Saturday Aug. 11: Optional Practice : 8:00-10:00 am, Meet at Creve Coeur Park (upper level gravel lot, near tennis courts)
Mon. Aug 13 : Practice 3:30-5:30 pm, 
Meet at O'Connor Park (directions here)

Tues. Aug 14 : Practice 3:30-5:30 pm, 
 Meet at Creve Coeur Park (upper level gravel lot, near tennis courts)

August 15 - 1st day of school. Daily practice time begins from 2:30 -5:15 
XC Teams meet dressed out in the commons by 2:25 (dress out in school locker rooms) Will we return from practice by 5:15 for students to catch 5:30 Activity bus

*  Heat Indexes at 105 or above may result in changes of practice time or location.  Please watch the blog at http://pattonvillexc.blogspot.com/ for updates the day prior to practice or call your Coach if unsure

See You Soon!

Monday, July 30, 2012

2012 Cross Country Meet Schedule

2012 Pattonville Cross Country Meet Schedule

Date                Meet                                                   Time               Location
Wed. Aug 22   Green and White Meet                       5:30pm            (O’Connor Park)
Mon. Aug. 27  Fleet Feet XC Kickoff                       4:00pm            (Quail Ridge Park)
Sat. Sept. 8      Big River Forest Park XC Festival     8:00am            (Forest Park)
Sat. Sept 15     Paul Enke/Haz. Central Inv.               9:00am            (Sioux Passage Park)
Fri. Sept. 21    Hazelwood West Inv.                         4:00pm            (Koch Park)
Sat. Sept. 29    Parkway West Inv.                             9:00am            (Parkway Central)
Fri. Oct. 5       Border War                                         4:00pm            (McNair Park)
Sat. Oct. 13.    Suburban North Conference meet      TBD                     TBD
**Sat. Oct. 20 District 4 Meet                                    TBD                     TBD
**Sat. Oct.27  Sectional                                             TBD                     TBD
**Sat. Nov. 3  State Championship Meet                  TBD                (Jefferson City)

Additional required events:
Wed. Oct. 17   Pattonville Middle School XC Meet     4:00pm            (O’Connor Park)
                        (The PHS team will host the meet, but not compete- required event)
Monday Nov. 19  Cross Country Awards Night         6:00pm            (PHS cafeteria)

? = not confirmed at time of posting
** = Varsity meets only (Sectional and State Meets only upon qualification)
- All meets include both Boys and Girls teams unless specified otherwise.
- Specifics for each meet will be posted on the blog at least 1 week prior to the meet.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Too Hot again....Wed July 25 run cancelled

Yep, you guessed it.  We have to cancel this wednesday nights (July 25) run due to extreme temperatures.  We will not have any more scheduled runs until official practice begins on August 6th.  Make sure to check out the post below with pre-season info and keep an eye on the blog for more to come.
   Don't let the heat and practice cancellations scare you away from your daily runs.  Mornings offer very tolerable temps and shady trails are even better.  Besides, running in some heat now will help you to acclimate to the afternoon practices of the early season.  Just expect to move a bit slower and replenish your fluids when finished.  Enjoy the last couple weeks of summer and we will see you soon!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Wednesday Night Run Cancelled

The Wednesday night run for July 18th is cancelled due to the extreme heat.  We look forward to seeing you for the final Wednesday night run, July 25, at Creve Coeur Upper Park.  Be sure to run early tomorrow morning!

It won't be long now - Pre-Season Reminders

An older video, but still great to get psyched up for XC.  Wacth for the Pirates!

Only 20 more days till we kick off the 2012 Cross Country Season with the beginning of official practices on August 6th.  Hopefully, you have already been running, but if not you still have time to get a good start and better late than never. Experienced racers know running is a year round sport consisting of seasons for a variety of types and intensities of runs. Develop a solid base of aerobic running fitness over the summer and you will be ready to start building speed once the season starts. Otherwise, you'll spend the first half the season doing something you could have already done, rather than getting faster.   Make a commitment to yourself and your team and be the best runner you can be by running now.  Contact your coach for advice on training.  If your planning to shoot for a Varsity spot, running now is essential to success.....I guarantee your competition is.   On a side note, new runners and incoming freshman would also benefit from starting to run now, but should not hesitate to join us even if they have not been running yet.  Returning runners should know better....but I'll stop there and get off my soap box.  Remember running is fun and racing is even more fun..especially if your prepared.  

 Here are a few reminders of events and things to take care of before we start daily practice.

Wednesday Night Runs –just one remains on July 25 (Check this blog for updates as a heat index above 105 will result in cancellation)
- Location: meet at 6:00pm at Creve Coeur Park (upper level- gravel lot by the tennis courts)

Athletic Physical Exams
A physical exam form is required by MSHSAA (Missouri State High School Activities Association)BEFORE a student can tryout or practice for any activity listed below.  The form used for this exam is available in the Activities Office or download a copy from the high school website at http://phs.psdr3.org/.  Click the green ATHLETICS and ACTIVITIES…then FORMS…then click the form you want to print.  Only one physical exam is required per year and must be administered on or after February 1, 2012.

Physical exam will be held at Advanced Training and Rehab (12232 St. Charles Rock Road in Bridgeton) on July 24 from 4-7 pm.  You must call the PHS Activities Office at 314-213-8058to RSVP.  Cost is $25…make checks payable to Advanced Training and Rehab.

1st day of official practice is August 6th, 2012 
(8-9:30 a.m. High School) We will have practice every weekday after the 6th. Times and locations for practice the first week will be posted on the Blog at a later date and sent home in an introductory packet on the first day of practice.
**Practice is required beginning August 6th. You must have 14 practices in before you are allowed to run in a meet. All absences must be verified with a call or email to your Coach to be excused.Unexcused absences from practice will result in sitting out the next meet.

For the first day of practice you need to bring the following:
-Sports Physical (PHS offers one on July 24th -see above)
-Emergency Card 
You will be unable to participate in practice until your coach has received both the Emergency Card and Physical
- There are several other forms required for participation in a PHS sports,but they may be completed within the first few days of practice. 
 These include:
 -Activities Code
-Voluntary Drug testing card
You can find all of these forms on-line here (click the FORMS tab at the top of the page) 

- Bring your Training Log - A record of your summer running is very important to the coaches in terms of creating workouts to best fit your needs. For those new to the team, any kind of record of running mileage over the summer would be helpful, but is not mandatory.
Finally, an honestly completed log is required to ear Pirate Mileage Club award for running 300 miles or more this summer.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Wednesday runs return this week

I've posted this one before...but it's still good this time of year.

See you at this week's wednesday run (July 11th) at Creve Coeur Park- upper level gravel lot.  6-7:30pm as usual.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Happy Independence Day!

What better way to celebrate our countries birthday than going for a  run.  Leave the watch or GPS at home and just enjoy moving swiftly across the land while giving thanks for those who have fought for our independence.
Enjoy the 4th and we will NOT have a wednesday run this week.