Thursday, May 31, 2012

Driving Directions to O'Connor Park

The first Wednesday night run of the summer is June 6th at O'Connor Park.  Directions from the high school to the park are at the following link:  Directions to O'Connor.  Can't wait to see you there!

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Pattonville Cross Country Camp

Wow, it's only the end of May and it seems summer is already here.  This is just a quick reminder to all team members (including incoming 9th graders and other PHS students interested in running XC) that our annual PHS Cross Country Camp starts this Tuesday, May 29th.
  Boys and Girls teams will practice together and we have a full four days of good running info. and fun lined up for you.  We plan to see all of you there.

Where: Creve Coeur Park (upper level off Dorsett Rd. - gravel lot by the tennis courts)
When: May 29th, 30th, 31st and June 1st from 6pm-8:00pm each evening.

What: This is an instructional camp for new runners and a training camp for veterans. As a team member, your attendance is expected.  Please notify your coach if you can't attend.

Topics will include: advice on training, stretching, running mechanics, nutrition, shoe info, racing, motivation and running fun. We will pay special attention to setting goals for the summer and racing season. Get your XC season off to a good start and BE THERE!
Specific details will also be provided about other summer events such Wednesday night runs and a special challenge at the end of the summer.

Pattonville XC training logs will be provided to all attendees. 

Expense: None, it’s FREE!

What you need to bring: - proof of insurance (photocopy of insurance card) for new members.
- water bottle
-running shoes and dressed to run
- maybe even a friend interested in joining the team!

Monday, May 14, 2012

2012 Summer Training Logs

Summer is almost here!  Stop by your coaches room before school is out to pickup this season's training log and keep an accurate record of your summer mileage. Also, make sure you have a copy of the training plans to help guide you through the summer miles in a progressive manner.   Incoming freshman can receive a training log plus a great introduction to our sport by attending our summer camp on May 29th - June 1st. See details for all summer activities and your chance to join the Pirate Mileage Club in the previous SUMMER EVENTS post.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

2012 Summer Events

     Summer will be here before you know it, and with it comes the most important period of Cross Country training...Base Building. For returning runners, that means collecting a heaping helping of running miles which will provide a foundation for the workouts to come this fall. New runner's should seize the summer months as a chance to slowly build in to a full time running program. Not only will piles of summer miles help you become the best you can be in the Fall, but it is the single best thing you can do to prevent the all too common injuries that frequently plague those who have not run over the summer. For those who wish to compete at a Varsity level, a summer of quality running is essential to be competitive.
     Top athletes in every sport spend their "off-season" time practicing for their competitive season. Competitive running is the same. Your competition this fall is out there making the most of each day this summer... will you let them beat you before the season starts? Of course make sure to come out to the summer events listed below and join your teammates for some quality cross country fun. I've also included the Pirate Mileage Club Award criteria. One last note of great importance..Do not go out and start running lots of miles without a proper gradual buildup. If you have not already done so, please contact your respective coach for a training log and a program to fit your needs. Why not start your mileage collection right now and don't forget to keep track of those miles in your log book.

    In-coming Freshman are highly encouraged to attend any and all summer events and should contact the coaches for more information if needed. A word of caution for new runners..distance running is an activity that needs to be acquired very gradually..and with some degree of planning to prevent overuse injuries. Be sure to attend the our Summer Camp for the best introduction to running and contact your coach for a training plan that best suits your current ability level.

XC CAMP –Our Season Starts Now! (boy's and girl's teams)

Where: Creve Coeur Park (upper level off Dorsett Rd. - gravel lot by the tennis courts)

When: May 29th, 30th, 31st and June 1st from 6-8:00 each evening.

What: This is an instructional camp for new runners and a training camp for veterans. As a team member, your attendance is expected.  Pleas e notify your coach if you can't attend.

Topics will include: advice on training, stretching, running mechanics, nutrition, shoe info, racing, motivation and running fun. We will pay special attention to setting goals for the summer and racing season. Get your XC season off to a good start and BE THERE!
Specific details will also be provided about other summer events such Wednesday night runs and a special challenge at the end of the summer.

Pattonville XC training logs will be provided to all attendees. 

Expense: None, it’s FREE!

What you need to bring: - proof of insurance (photocopy of insurance card) for new members.
- water bottle
-running shoes and dressed to run
- maybe even a friend interested in joining the team!

Wednesday Night Runs - Fun "spirited" weekly runs (boys & girls teams together)
Dates and Locations–June 6 O’C, 13 CC, 20 O’C, 27CC / July 11CC, 18 O’C, 25 CC
( Excessive heat may force cancellation- Watch this blog for updates)
- meet at 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm

- Locations: alternate between Creve Coeur Park (upper level- gravel lot by the tennis courts) and O’connor park
- distances and “relaxed attitude” workouts matched to current fitness level
Make a commitment and join us in weekly running fun and motivation.

Weekend “Long” Runs –Get your weekly long run in with your teammates. Th Girls team will meet on Saturday mornings and the Boy's team will meet on Sundays.See your Coach for specifics.
-Meet at Creve Coeur Park (upper level- gravel lot) -we will split into groups to accommodate various distances.
- Contact your Coach for time and other specifics

Sizzler 6 Hour RelayAugust 10th, 6pm – 12 am– End the summer and our first week of official practice a great team building experience. You’ll remember this 6 hour team relay for years to come. It will also serve as a team fundraiser. Details will be posted on the blog this summer and explained the first day of practice.

PIRATE MILEAGE CLUB – run 300 over the 10 weeks of summer to join the club.
How it Works:
1) Record your mileage in your running log during the summer. Each entry must include miles or time spent running as well as location of the run. You can approximate 10 minutes for 1 mile. This is an honor system. Have Integrity.
2) The count starts May 27th and ends the day before our first practice (Aug. 6th)
3) Turn in your completed running log at the first practice
1) You will earn the satisfaction of attaining a goal.
2) You will improve tremendously and reap the benefits of excellent fitness.
3) You will collect a whole summers worth of running adventures and memories.
4) Run 300 miles and receive an exclusive Pirate Mileage Club T-shirt

1st day of practice is August 6th, 2012 (8-9:30 a.m. High School-Under the Bridge)
-You must have a completed sports physical and emergency card.
- Bring your Training Log

Boys Head Coach - Coach Simmons
School Phone: (314) 213-8051 ext. 8907

Girls Head Coach - Coach Fader
School Phone:(314) 213-8051 ext. 8314