Sunday, December 18, 2011

Trail-Work Cross Training

What can Cross Country runners do for strength training in the winter to avoid the boredom of a weight room? Building trails on which to run seems like the best possible answer.
A big thanks goes out to Will C., Alec M. and Daniel L. for representing the Pattonville Cross Country team by volunteering in the GORG trail work day at Creve Coeur Park on Saturday December 17th. Mr. L , the Bros. M and myself also joined our Pirate runners in the fun and "strength training " of building new trails in the park. You can check out the trails in construction pics below or better yet, go run them. Let's also give a collective thought of thanks to the GORC organization and the St. Louis County Parks for building such a cool network of trails for our running and mountain biking pleasure. You can find more information for trail work volunteering opportunities this Spring at the GORC website here. We will definitely be joining them again for a workday or two next year.

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