Sunday, December 18, 2011

Trail-Work Cross Training

What can Cross Country runners do for strength training in the winter to avoid the boredom of a weight room? Building trails on which to run seems like the best possible answer.
A big thanks goes out to Will C., Alec M. and Daniel L. for representing the Pattonville Cross Country team by volunteering in the GORG trail work day at Creve Coeur Park on Saturday December 17th. Mr. L , the Bros. M and myself also joined our Pirate runners in the fun and "strength training " of building new trails in the park. You can check out the trails in construction pics below or better yet, go run them. Let's also give a collective thought of thanks to the GORC organization and the St. Louis County Parks for building such a cool network of trails for our running and mountain biking pleasure. You can find more information for trail work volunteering opportunities this Spring at the GORC website here. We will definitely be joining them again for a workday or two next year.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Cross Country Winter Events

The winter season is here and with it a chance to enjoy running in new surroundings. Imagine cruising your local trails without bugs, poison ivy, or stinging nettles. Sidewalk and bike paths are now void of crowds and first tracks in a fresh snow fall may lead to one of the most memorable runs of the year. The approach to winter running should be that of pure enjoyment for running, maintaining your fitness, and collecting miles to build upon in the spring. Frequent runs and workouts will also get you through the cold dark days of winter feeling happier and prevent damage from the overindulgent push of the holiday season. If you include at least one tempo, one long run and two strength workouts per week you will find yourself fit and healthy for Track or whatever other Spring endeavors you may have planned. Real runners run all year round. There is no off-season, only different seasons. Enjoy them all.

That said, we have a couple winter events for team members (family or PHS XC alumni are also invited) to announce this winter. In the season of giving, the first is a chance to give back to our community by supporting trail building in our local parks. The second is simply a challenge to help with running motivation over winter break.

Creve Couer Park Trail Work- Community Service Opportunity
Description - Assist local trail advocacy group GORC in maintaining/ building trails at Creve Coeur Park. PHS Students will receive PHS Community Service hours for time spent working.

Who - Team members, family and PHS XC Alumni.- Of course anyone can help out at GORC workdays, but they request notice of participation beforehand. Those planning to be part of our group can simply reply to Coach Fader (see below)

When - December 17 from 9am-1pm (you do not have to work for the entire period)

Where- Creve Coeur Park upper level - we will meet at the Gravel lot and then meet up with the GORC crew at whatever location they specify.

What to expect and bring- Here is a article from GORC about a typical workday

How to Sign up -Team members wishing to receive community service and anyone else wishing to be part of the PHS XC group should email Coach Fader at with their intentions to participate by Monday, December 12th. This will allow us to contact GORC and give them a estimate of our groups size.
GORC offers workdays throughout the year and you can always sign up on your own for further community service or just to help out through their website.

SNOWFLAKE 60 - Winter Challenge
Need a little extra motivation getting out the door during the holidays? Winter break is meant as a break from school , but shouldn't be a disruption to your running enjoyment. Finding that extra incentive to get out the door can be tough during the rush of the holidays or a cold blustery morning. Seasoned runners know any day with a run is better than a day without, so with that in mind we have created a little challenge to keep you running through the break.
Introducing the Snowflake a total of 60 miles over the period of Winter break.

SNOW FLAKE 60 Details:
Who: A challenge open to all PHS cross country runners, their family members and or PHS XC Alumni.

When: The dates line up exactly with the PHS winter break. The official mileage count starts December 23 and ends January 3rd. (that's 12 days)

What: Run a total of 60 miles between Dec. 23 and January 3rd. Sixty miles averages out to 5 miles per day, but mileage can be broken up however and whenever during the specified period.
Those who complete the challenge and follow the short and simple rules below will earn a hand made limited edition Snowflake 60 mug by a local coach/potter.

How to sign up:- You must email Coach Fader your intentions to participate in the Snowflake 60 challenge before December 23rd at Entries after the 23rd will not be accepted into the challenge. There is no entry fee, all we ask is you make a commitment to your fitness and declare your intentions ahead of time. No penalty if you don't succeed, but you will have the satisfaction of at least trying and some good winter runs to boot.
A list of participants (first name or nick-name only) will be posted on the blog as well as a place to record your daily runs if you join as PHSXC blog member.

The Rules:

- You must have signed up by December 23 to participate(see above)

- All runs must be completed on or between December 23rd and January 3rd. Runs before or after this time period don't count toward the challenge, but do add to your life total as a runner.

- Runs must be runs. Walking, skipping, cycling, nordic tracking, rowing, swimming, inline skating, lolly gagging or anything else other than good ole' fashioned running doesn't count.

- You CAN run on a treadmill...if you must.....but c'mon really? You are a cross country runner not some wimpy gym rat.

- All runs must be documented with time, distance and a brief route description. Documentation may be a daily posting in the comments section of the Snowflake 60 blog post, a photo copy of your training log, a Microsoft Word document or any other documentation describing all your runs totaling 60 miles you can get me by January 7th.
If you have a particularly eventful run to share, join the PHS XC blog and leave a note under the (soon to come) Snowflake 60 special post.

-Documentation for all runs must be delivered or emailed to Coach Fader by Saturday January 7th. Those who send incomplete documentation, fall short on mileage or who are later than January 7th with documentation will have to live with the simple satisfaction of achieving their other mug for you.

So there you have it. Who is ready to have fun embracing the elements, stay fit and accomplish something cool over the break? Feel free to pass the word around to those who may have not seen the blog recently (lots of you I'd guess) Also, please remember to contact me to get in on the fun or if you have any questions.
Happy winter running!
Coach Fader