Sunday, October 30, 2011

2011 XC Season End Announcements

Unfortunately, our season has come to an end. It is a bit sooner than we would like, but we have had a great season and much to be thankful for as a team. This blog will become less active until the spring and the preparation for the 2012 XC season, but check back from time to time for the occasional post about winter running opportunities and a few motivational winter running posts. Running is a year round activity, so just because the XC season is over does not mean you have to stop enjoying running. A new "season" of running begins now in which you can simply enjoy all the benefits while recovering from the "racing" season. Plus, you will be hungry to race come track in the spring. Real runners never stop running all together, they just enjoy all the different seasons of the year. So take a short break from running (a week or so, and you can still cross train) and then jump right back to embrace the laid back style of the winter running season. Remember, it's much harder to get your fitness back than to maintain and enjoy it through the winter.

End of the season meetings: The boys team is meeting this week on wednesday. See Coach Simmons for details. We would also like to also have a Girl's team meeting, but have a conflict with the swimming meeting after school this wednesday. Watch the blog or listen to the school announcements for an upcoming after school Girl's team meeting.

Other Announcements:

-Team picture orders - If you ordered pictures please see you Coach to pick them up.

- Uniforms and sweats should be clean and turned in directly to your Coach by November 11th. They must be in a bag with a tag clearly identifying your name. DO NOT leave them in one of our rooms laying around if we are not there.

-A big thanks goes out to all those of you who have given us some great photos to use in the slide show.

- Team members- don't forget to put together a "special award" for the teammate you selected. Coaches may be able to help if you need ideas. Also, If you can not attend the awards banquet please notify your Coach so we can arrange to have your person still receive a special award.

- Team Members - Community Service Opportunity- Give back to your sport and community by helping a trail building organization called GORC with trail maintenance at Creve Coeur Park on December 17th beginning at 9:00am. You can also earn community service hours at school for your help. Mark your calendars now and watch the blog for more details as the date draws nearer. Just think how cool it will be to run on trails that you help build and maintain. See Coach Fader if you would like to help out.

-Awards Night
2011 Cross Country Awards Information
What ?
An evening to celebrate the Cross Country season, share memories, present awards, plan for the future, and a slide show to wrap it all up. We will enjoy pizza and a few desserts while giving out the awards.
When ?
Monday, November 21 beginning at 6:00pm.
Tentative Schedule
6:00-7:00 Individual awards, senior speeches (optional), special awards
7:00-8:00 move to auditorium for slide show
Where ?
Meet in the PHS cafeteria for eats and awards. We will move to the Auditorium for the slide show after the awards. (No food/drink in the auditorium, please)
What should I do?
- Show up with family and friends
- bring your fun award for your designated team member (ask your Coach if unsure who that is)
- bring a dessert (optional)
Nice, but casual
**You must have turned in your sweats and uniform to receive your award! **
Most importantly, even though this XC season may be over, RUN for your life!

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