Sunday, October 30, 2011

2011 XC Season End Announcements

Unfortunately, our season has come to an end. It is a bit sooner than we would like, but we have had a great season and much to be thankful for as a team. This blog will become less active until the spring and the preparation for the 2012 XC season, but check back from time to time for the occasional post about winter running opportunities and a few motivational winter running posts. Running is a year round activity, so just because the XC season is over does not mean you have to stop enjoying running. A new "season" of running begins now in which you can simply enjoy all the benefits while recovering from the "racing" season. Plus, you will be hungry to race come track in the spring. Real runners never stop running all together, they just enjoy all the different seasons of the year. So take a short break from running (a week or so, and you can still cross train) and then jump right back to embrace the laid back style of the winter running season. Remember, it's much harder to get your fitness back than to maintain and enjoy it through the winter.

End of the season meetings: The boys team is meeting this week on wednesday. See Coach Simmons for details. We would also like to also have a Girl's team meeting, but have a conflict with the swimming meeting after school this wednesday. Watch the blog or listen to the school announcements for an upcoming after school Girl's team meeting.

Other Announcements:

-Team picture orders - If you ordered pictures please see you Coach to pick them up.

- Uniforms and sweats should be clean and turned in directly to your Coach by November 11th. They must be in a bag with a tag clearly identifying your name. DO NOT leave them in one of our rooms laying around if we are not there.

-A big thanks goes out to all those of you who have given us some great photos to use in the slide show.

- Team members- don't forget to put together a "special award" for the teammate you selected. Coaches may be able to help if you need ideas. Also, If you can not attend the awards banquet please notify your Coach so we can arrange to have your person still receive a special award.

- Team Members - Community Service Opportunity- Give back to your sport and community by helping a trail building organization called GORC with trail maintenance at Creve Coeur Park on December 17th beginning at 9:00am. You can also earn community service hours at school for your help. Mark your calendars now and watch the blog for more details as the date draws nearer. Just think how cool it will be to run on trails that you help build and maintain. See Coach Fader if you would like to help out.

-Awards Night
2011 Cross Country Awards Information
What ?
An evening to celebrate the Cross Country season, share memories, present awards, plan for the future, and a slide show to wrap it all up. We will enjoy pizza and a few desserts while giving out the awards.
When ?
Monday, November 21 beginning at 6:00pm.
Tentative Schedule
6:00-7:00 Individual awards, senior speeches (optional), special awards
7:00-8:00 move to auditorium for slide show
Where ?
Meet in the PHS cafeteria for eats and awards. We will move to the Auditorium for the slide show after the awards. (No food/drink in the auditorium, please)
What should I do?
- Show up with family and friends
- bring your fun award for your designated team member (ask your Coach if unsure who that is)
- bring a dessert (optional)
Nice, but casual
**You must have turned in your sweats and uniform to receive your award! **
Most importantly, even though this XC season may be over, RUN for your life!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Conference and District Meet results

Conference Meet Results
Our championships for the season begins with the Suburban North Conference Championships and on a day with perfect conditions, a fast course and nice weather both teams showed that they were ready for the competition. Here is Coach Simmons' well written review from the PHS athlectics website.

Girl Pirates Win Suburban North Conference, Boys Finish 3rd
The Pirate Cross Country team was at Koch Park again on Saturday, October 15th, to compete in the Suburban North Conference Championship. Peaking at the right time, many team members lowered their personal records by a signficant amount. Continued improvement by all runners allowed the team to place well at both the varsity and junior varsity levels. The girls varsity team won the meet scoring an impressive 27 points, while the boys varsity finished third with 63. On the junior varsity level, the girls team finished second and the boys team finished fourth. Elise Amo finished the championship sweep in the girls varsity race by winning in a time of 21:16. Individual medalist for the Pirates included the following:

Girls Varsity
Elise Amo - 1st - 21:16
Sarah Mohrmann - 5th - 22:38
Kirby McClain - 6th - 22:49
Laura Fulton - 8th - 22:54
Katie Breakfield - 11th - 23:29
Gabby Pirrie - 15th - 24:14

Boys Varsity
Will Chaney - 9th - 18:02
Nathan Levanthal - 11th - 18:12
Kevin Lasserre - 12th - 18:18
Trystan Alexander - 15th - 18:30

Girls JV
Riley Ayers - 4th - 24:56
Aviva Englander - 6th - 25:31
Breanna Kellogg - 8th - 25:49

District Meet Results
One of the most important meets for the season for the Varsity teams is the District Meet. Only the top 4 teams (of each Boys and Girls race) of the 11 schools in our district will move on to Sectional competition. The top 30 individuals in each race are also allowed to move on as individuals. Sadly, both boys and girls varsity teams failed to qualify for Sectionals, but we do have one Pirate racer who rose to challenge of the the days tough competition to earn a spot on the Sectional meet starting line. Congratulations to Will C. on qualifying as an individual for the Sectional 2 Cross Country meet!

News of the week: Oct. 24-29

Practice Week of Oct. 24-29

Sadly, the Girls team is finished for the season. Team members should make sure to read the important information in the second part of this post and watch the blog for a season wrap-up post and other running opportunities that may occur.

Mon. 24th - PHS campus see Coach Simmons for times
Tues. 25th - PHS campus see Coach Simmons for times
Wed. 26th - Findley Memorial Inv.- bus to Forest park (details below) JV boys race, everyone else practice and support- estimating return to PHS 6:15-6:30pm
Thurs 27th - Middle School XC Meet at Vago Park
Friday 28th - Boys- see Coach Simmons for Instruction
Saturday 29th- Sectional 2 Meet (Details Below)

MEET INFO. for the week:
Findley Memorial JV and Freshman Invitational:
Only boys will race: Sectional qualifiers will practice and everyone else will support our runners in the race.
Date: Wednesday Oct. 27
Location: Forest Park - Central fields (same location as the Forest Park XC Festival)
Time: 4:30 Freshman boys race, 5:10 JV boys race
Awards: Both races: 2 team trophies and 40 medals (top 10 awarded after race)
Return to PHS: approximately 6:45 -7:00 pm
Directions: The race course is located on the Central Ball Fields in Forest Park.
- Hwy I- 70 east

- South on Hwy I- 170

- East on Forest Park Parkway (left turn off the exit ramp)

- Follow the Lindell Exit off Forest Park Parkway

- Left on Lindell (once on Lindell look immediately to your right for Government Dr. into Forest Park)

-Right on Government Drive into the park

- quick Left on Grand Dr. cross over a small bridge and you will be facing the Central Fields. Veer left on Grand on to Jefferson… OR right on to Union and find a parking spot.

Sectional 2 Meet - only Sectional qualifiers race (Congrats Will !)
The top 30 individuals and top 4 teams advance to the State meet.
Saturday, October 29
Location: McNair Park
Time Schedule:
Varsity Girls 11:00
Varsity Boys 11:45
Awards Ceremony 12:45 (30 medals in each race, team plaque for 1st place)

Driving Directions to McNair Park:
I-70 west
Take the First Capital exit and turn right off the exit ramp
Left on West Clay
Right on Droste
Follow Droste until you see the park entrance on the right.

Pattonville Middle School Cross Country Meet- Vago Park - Race start 3:45
On thursday October 27 we are hosting a cross country Meet for the Pattonville Middle Schools. There will only be 1 race of combined boys and girls. PHS team members should make it a point to be there to give back to the sport, support the middle school program and help recruit for our team by helping out. Coaches and PHS athletes can car pool to Vago for the meet. Please see your Coach to arrange transportation.

Upcoming Dates of Importance:

Saturday, November 5th - Missouri State Championships Meet - Oak Hills Golf Course, Jefferson City (only for qualifying teams or individuals)

Monday, November 21st - PHS Cross Country Awards Night 6-8pm (details in next weeks post)

Saturday, December 17th - Community Service Opportunity - building trails: 9:00am Creve Coeur park (details below)

Other Announcements:

-Team picture orders were delivered late last week. If you ordered pictures please see you Coach to pick them up.

- Uniforms and sweats should be clean and turned in directly to your Coach by November 11th. They must be in a bag with a tag clearly identifying your name. DO NOT leave them in one of our rooms laying around if we are not there.

- Team Members and Parents - Soon it will be time to assemble a slide show for the Awards night. We will gladly provide a disc or flash drive if anyone has photos from the season they would like to share . We could also use some music suggestions (unless ya like Coach Fader's "old timey" stuff, and I think Coach Simmons likes Disco) Thanks to those parents who have already given us some great photos!

- Team members- don't forget to put together a "special award" for the teammate you selected. Coaches may be able to help if you need ideas. Also, If you can not attend the awards banquet please notify your Coach so we can arrange to have your person still receive a special award.

- Team Members - Community Service Opportunity- Give back to your sport and community by helping out with trail building at Creve Coeur Park on December 17th beginning at 9:00am. You can also earn community service hours at school for your help. Mark your calendars now and watch the blog for more details as the date draws nearer. Just think how cool it willbe to run on trails that you help build and maintain. See Coach Fader if you have any questions.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

News of the Week: Oct. 17-22

Practice Week of Oct. 17th- 22nd
Daily Practice time is 2:30-5:25 Mon-Thurs and 2:30 -4:50 on *Fridays (unless otherwise noted)- Meet in your coach's classroom (Boys - Coach Simmons) (Girls - Coach Zoll)
* The activity bus only runs at 5:00pm on friday
Mon. 17th - PHS campus
Tues. 18th - PHS campus (finished by 4:15 bus)
Wed. 19th - Boy's team practice on PHS campus
- Girl's Team Finn Dawg Inv.- bus to Kirkwood park (details below) JV girls race, Varsity practice and support
Thurs 20th
- PHS campus (JV girls are not required to attend)
Friday 21st - Boy's team -short practice/Girls team -No practice
Saturday 22th- District 4 Meet (Details Below)**All athletes are expected to attend and will be provided bus transportation.

MEET INFO. for the week:

Finn Dawg Invitational
: Only JV girls will race, the Varsity Girls team will practice at the park and support our runners in the race.
Date: Wednesday Oct. 19
Location: Kirkwood Park
Time: 4:30 JV girls race
Awards: 25 medals (medals awarded in the chute)
Return to PHS: approximately 6:15- 6:30pm
Directions to Kirkwood park:
-270 South
- Left (east) on Dougherty Ferry

Right on N. Ballas
Veer left on West Adams
- Right
on Geyer

The park will be on the right, off Geyer.

District 4 Meet - (only Varsity teams will race)
The top 30 individuals and top 4 teams qualify for the Sectional meet.
: Saturday October 22
Location: McNair Park
Time Schedule:
Bus leaves PHS stadium at 8:30 am (be there by 8:20am)
Varsity Girls 10:00
Varsity Boys 10:45
Awards Ceremony 11:45 (30 medals in each race, team plaque for 1st place)
Return to PHS about 12:45 pm

Driving Directions to McNair Park:
I-70 west
Take the First Capital exit and turn right off the exit ramp
Left on West Clay
Right on Droste
Follow Droste until you see the park entrance on the right.


Wednesday, Oct. 26 Findley Memorial Invitational (Boys only)- Forest Park Sectional Qualifiers can not race, but will attend.

Saturday, Oct. 29 - Sectional meet - McNair Park (only for qualifying teams or individuals)

Saturday, November 5th - Missouri State Championships Meet - Oak Hills Golf Course, Jefferson City (only for qualifying teams or individuals)

Monday, November 21st - PHS Cross Country Awards Night 6-8pm

Other Announcements:

- Bring sweats and extra clothes to practice everyday

- Uniforms and sweats should be clean and turned in directly to your Coach by November 11th. They must be in a bag with a tag clearly identifying your name. DO NOT leave them in one of our rooms laying around if we are not there.

- Team Members and Parents - Soon it will be time to assemble a slide show for the Awards night. We will gladly provide a disc or flash drive if anyone has photos from the season they would like to share . We could also use some music suggestions (unless ya like Coach Fader's "old timey" stuff, and I think Coach Simmons likes Disco)

- Team members- don't forget to put together a "special award" for the teammate you selected. Coaches may be able to help if you need ideas. Also, If you can not attend the awards banquet please notify your Coach so we can arrange to have your person still receive a special award.

Quote of the Week: It is not the critic who counts, not the man who points out how the strong man stumbled, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena; whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly, who errs and comes up short again and again; who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, and spends himself in a worthy cause; who, at the best, knows in the end the triumph of high achievement; and who at the worst, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat. (Teddy Roosevelt) (Girls team - feel free to substitute the words "woman" and "hers" where needed)

Thursday, October 6, 2011

News of the Week: Oct. 10- 15

Practice Week of Oct. 10th- 15th
Daily Practice time is 2:30-5:25 Mon-Thurs and 2:30 -4:50 on *Fridays (unless otherwise noted)- Meet in your coach's classroom (Boys - Coach Simmons) (Girls - Coach Zoll)
* The activity bus only runs at 5:00pm on friday

Mon. 10th - PHS campus
Tues. 11th - No Practice-Testing Day - make sure to run on your own
Wed. 12th - Car pool to Creve Coeur or PHS campus as alternate.
Thurs 13th - Bus to McNair Park (tour the district course)
Friday 14th - Varsity only practice at PHS, finished by 4:00.
Saturday 15th- Suburban North Conference Meet (Details Below)

Suburban North Conference Meet - Oct. 15th
Meet at the stadium at 7:20am, Bus leaves at 7:30
Koch Park
Race Schedule
9:15 Varsity Boys (15 medals)
10:00 Varsity Girls (15 medals)
10:35 JV Boys and Girls (common start, boys and girls will be sorted at finish line)

Directions to Koch Park:
- take 27o east/north
- exit at McDonnell and turn left off exit ramp
- McDonnell becomes Howdershell - stay straight
Koch Park is located at the corner of Charbonier and Howdershell - Turn left onto Charbonier and then another left into the park.

Important dates for the remainder of the 2011 XC season

Wednesday, Oct. 19 - Finn Dawg Inv.(Girls only) - Kirkwood park Only JV/Freshman Girls (no Varsity members) will race and this will be the final race of the season for those groups This meet also marks the last day of required practice for all girls team members other than Varsity runners. However, all team members are expected to attend the District Cross Country meet.

Saturday, Oct. 22- District meet - McNair Park- (only Varsity race)

Wednesday, Oct. 26 Boys - Findley Memorial Invitational (Boys only)- Forest Park Only JV/Freshman Boys (no Varsity members) will race and this will be the final race of the season for those groups

Saturday, Oct. 30 - Sectional meet - McNair Park (only for qualifying teams or individuals)

Saturday, November 6th - Missouri State Championships Meet - Oak Hills Golf Course, Jefferson City (only for qualifying teams or individuals)

Monday, November 21nd - PHS Cross Country Awards Night 6-8pm

Other Announcements:

- Bring sweats and extra clothes to practice everyday.- The weather has been nice lately, but it could change quickly, so be prepared for cool temps or rain everyday.

Quote of the Week: Most people run a race to see who is fastest. I run a race to see who has the most guts. ~Steve Prefontaine (If you don't know who he is, look him essential history lesson for all racers)

Saturday, October 1, 2011

News of the Week: Oct. 3rd-8th

Practice Week of Oct.3rd- 8th
Daily Practice time is 2:30-5:25 mon-thurs and 2:30 -4:50 on *fridays (unless otherwise noted)- Meet in your coach's classroom (Boys - Coach Simmons) (Girls - Coach Zoll)
* The activity bus only runs at 5:00pm on friday

Mon. 3rd - PHS campus
Tues. 4th - Drive to Creve Coeur Upper level
Wed. 5th - PHS Campus.... finished by 4:15 activity bus (parent/ teacher conferences)
Thurs 6th - PHS Campus...finished by 4:15 activity bus (parent/teacher conferences)
Friday 7th - No School - (optional special practice) "Apple Run" - meet at PHS at 7:30am -Coaches will drive all to Pere Marquette State Park for some trail running and hills of epic proportion. Distance will be adjusted based on ability level. After our run we will drive to nearby Eckert's Orchard (or possibly a different orchard) in Grafton and enjoy some post run apple picking and munching. Some apples will be purchased for all, but bring money if you wish to have your own bag of apples or buy anything else at Eckerts. We will return to the high school around 1:00.
Bring an extra t-shirt/dry clothes to change into after our run (there is a lodge at the park to change)

Saturday Oct. 8th - 8-10:30 am Morning Practice (Varsity required) - all team members looking to be the best they can be should participate. We will meet in teh PHS commons and carpool out to McNair Park for practice.

Important dates for the remainder of the 2011 XC season

Saturday, Oct. 15
- Surburban North Conference Meet - Koch Park

Wednesday, Oct. 19 - Finn Dawg Inv.(Girls only) - Kirkwood park Only JV/Freshman Girls (no Varsity members) will race and this will be the final race of the season for those groups This meet also marks the last day of required practice for all girls team members other than Varsity runners. However, all team members are expected to attend the District Cross Country meet.

Saturday, Oct. 22- District meet - McNair Park- (only Varsity race)

Wednesday, Oct. 26 Boys - Findley Memorial Invitational (Boys only)- Forest Park Only JV/Freshman Boys (no Varsity members) will race and this will be the final race of the season for those groups

Saturday, Oct. 30 - Sectional meet - McNair Park (only for qualifying teams or individuals)

Saturday, November 6th - Missouri State Championships Meet - Oak Hills Golf Course, Jefferson City (only for qualifying teams or individuals)

Monday, November 21nd - PHS Cross Country Awards Night 6-8pm

Quote of the week:"My feeling is that any day I am too busy to run is a day that I am too busy."
--John Bryant