Monday, November 10, 2014

Awards Dinner--NEXT Monday, Nov. 17th @ 6 pm in PHS Cafeteria

  • Pizza will be served; bring a side dish/dessert to share!
  • CLEAN Uniforms/Sweats MUST be turned in by FRIDAY, Nov. 14th to receive your award
  • Send photos to Coach Zoll for the slideshow
  • Hope to see you there!

Congratulations, Paco!

Great job at the Missouri State High School Cross Country Championships!

Paco Rosales, senior, finished 71st with his second-fastest 5K time of 17:05.   Paco was only 20 seconds off of his PR, set the week before at the flatter Farmington course.  What an incredible way to cap off only his 2nd season in the sport!
Your coaches are extremely proud of you!