Sunday, April 22, 2012

2012 Cross Country Kick-Off Meeting


WooHoo! If you have been waiting anxiously to get things officially started for the 2012 Cross Country Season, that time is finally here. Truthfully, the coaches have been quietly working behind the scenes for a while and are just as excited. We have a special announcement concerning a new practice (and maybe racing) location for next season and a whole summer of events lined up to share with you. So...

The Cross Country Kick-off meeting is this thursday (April 26th) during Contact Time. The Boys team will meet in Coach Simmons room (H204) and the Girls team will meet in Coach Fader's room (G114) You can see any coach (Fader, Simmons, or Zoll) for a pass.
Oh, yeah.... and don't forget we are always looking for new members.. so talk it up or bring a friend.

We hope (and plan) to see you all there and now that things are rolling, keep an eye on the blog for further announcements and information.

If you can not attend the meeting, please make sure to contact your Coach and pick up any materials handed out at the meeting.

Attn: Incoming Freshman - we realize you can't make it to the meeting, so please contact your respective coach and let us know of your interest. We can then email/snail mail you any important information. All incoming freshman are highly encouraged to attend the Cross Country Camp we will have on May 29th - June 1st. Details about the camp and all other summer events will be posted on this blog very soon...stay tuned.

Boys Coach - Coach Simmons
School Phone: (314) 213-8051 ext. 8907

Girls Coach - Coach Fader
School Phone:(314) 213-8051 ext. 8314

Finally, for a little XC entertainment check out a short and humouros video here.