Sunday, May 29, 2011

Summer Mileage count starts today!

So .. How was your run today? I just wanted to give you all a quick reminder to start recording your summer runs in your training logs. In-coming freshman or anyone else who may not have been at the kick-off meeting can pick up a training log and summer running advice at our Mini-camps (see previous summer events post) or email your coach to receive a training log and any answer any other summer running questions you may have.

Head Girls Coach : Coach Fader Email:

Head Boys Coach: Coach Simmons Email :

I can tell you from my own run today that the heat has returned. Below are some helpful tips for dealing with the heat and your cross country training in general throughout the summer.

Summer Running Guidelines

1. Run as much as possible on soft surfaces.
2. Build mileage gradually. No more than 10% increase in miles a week
3. Runners need strength. Do situps/pushups or light weights at least twice a week.
4. Schedule time for running everyday (cross train on your day off)- consistency is critical.
5. Listen to your body and let it dictate your volume and intensity. If you’re feeling great take advantage of it and go faster or farther. If you’re feeling terrible, run for ten minutes, take a swim, ride your bike, throw a Frisbee around or rest.
6. Cross Country is a team sport. Call, Text, Facebook your teammates and run, see movies, have swim parties and keep each other motivated.
7. Most of your running should be steady, “conversation pace” mileage. However, returning runners should mix in fartleks, hills or brief tempo run each week to remind your legs to “change gears” and encourage quick, light turnover.
8. Once a week run one “Long” run. This should be a bit longer than your daily mileage. Follow it up with a few striders to refresh your legs (if you can find a grassy field try doing some barefoot to strengthen your feet and lower legs, but ease into it and be careful about the running surface)
9. Summer races are fun, but limit your self to only a couple.
10. Keep running fun through variety. Try different routes, paces, or run for time and just go on a bit of an unplanned adventure.
11. Make sure someone knows where you are running and carry an ID.
12. Bad or worn out shoes cause injuries. Keep track of shoe mileage.
13. Set goals for the summer and the season and each day. Use these as motivation
14. When unmotivated to run, don’t think about how tired you feel, just get out the door and after the first mile you likely feel better.
15. Record your runs in the PHS log book. Record significant events of the run, type how you felt or just miles. Your coach needs to know what you do over the summer to individualize your workouts.
16. Ease into the first mile of your runs and STRETCH – afterward. Your recovery immediately following a run is the best thing you can do to ensure you feel good during tomorrows run.
17. Summer is a great time to work on proper form.
18. Live a runner’s lifestyle. Eat healthy, sleep well, enjoy the outdoors and the freedom of your runs.
19. Run safely by being attentive to your surroundings. Don't trust that cars see you. Don't zone out with headphones. For extra safety, run with a friend, a dog or even someone on a bike. Carry a phone..but only use it in case of an emergency.
20. Run because you want to and enjoy being a RUNNER!

A runner’s observation on motivation – Some runs feel better than others and you won’t know until you are into the run. There have been many times when I have not “felt like running” but ran anyway. I can not remember a single time that I wasn’t thankful I ran afterward, even if the run itself never felt that great. As one runner put it “my worst days running are better than my best days without a run”.

1. Keep hydrated during the day and after your run.
2. Trails are often shady and a great place to beat the heat. Wear bug spray!
3. Wear light colored clothing, black or dark clothing absorbs heat.
4. Run in the mornings or evenings. Running in warmer temperature will help build your tolerance for the heat as we approach the school year, but take it easy.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Cross Country starts Now! - Summer Events

Summer will be here before you know it, and with it comes one of the most important periods of Cross Country training. For returning runners, that means building a base of mileage which will provide the foundation for the workouts to come this fall. New runner's can seize the summer months as a chance to slowly build in to a full time running program. Summer also brings with it more free time and extended daylight allowing ample opportunity for running adventures of all sorts.
Your competition this fall is out there making the most of each day this summer... will you let them beat you before the season starts? Of course make sure to come out to the summer events listed below and join your teammates for some quality cross country fun. I've also included the Pirate Mileage Club Award criteria. Keep track of those miles in your log book (see a coach if you need one) and let's keep Coach Fader busy making bowls this summer!

In-coming freshman are highly encouraged to attend any and all summer events and should contact the coaches for more information if needed. A word of caution for new runners..distance running is an activity that needs to be acquired very gradually..and with some degree of planning to prevent overuse injuries. Be sure to attend the Mini-Camp for the best introduction to running over the summer and contact your coach for a training plan that best suits your current ability level.

2011 Pattonville Cross Country Summer Events
If you’re interested in running with the PHS Boys or Girls Cross Country teams in the fall be sure to contact one of the coaches below and get the information you need to prepare for the Cross Country season and join in the summer fun.
Head Girls Coach : Coach Fader
High School :213-8051..ext. 8314 (not after June 2nd)

Head Boys Coach: Coach Simmons
High School :213-8051..ext. 8907 (not after June 2nd)
Email :

Cross Country is a Fall Sport, but training begins before the season starts. Now is the best time to start your running program so you can come into the Cross Country season prepared to do your best in the fall races. Everyone can learn to be a distance runner, but it needs to be acquired very gradually and with a simple training plan provided by your coach. The following events are designed to introduce you to running and build team unity through fun runs throughout the summer. See you out there!

MINI CAMP Our Season Starts Now! – The most important meetings of the summer – Be There!
Where: Creve Coeur Park (upper level off Dorsett Rd. - gravel lot by the tennis courts)
Girls Camp : June 7th , 8th and 9th from 6-8:00 p.m each evening.
Boys Camp: June 6th, 7th, and 8th from 7-9:00 a.m. each morning

What: This is an instructional camp for new runners and a training camp for veterans
Topics will include advice on training, stretching, running mechanics, nutrition, shoe info, racing, motivation and running fun. We will also pay special attention to setting goals for the summer and racing season. Get your XC season off to a good start and BE THERE!
Specific details will also be provided about other summer events such Wednesday night runs and a special challenge at the end of the summer.

Expense: None, it’s FREE!

What you need to bring: - proof of insurance (photocopy of insurance card) for new members.
- water bottle
-running shoes and dressed to run
- a friend interested in joining the team!

Wednesday Night Runs –June 15, 22, 29 / July 6, 13, 20, 27 (Check this blog for updates)
– Informal weekly group runs and fun !
- meet at 6:45 pm – BE PROMPT – Run starts at 7:00 sharp
- Locations: meet at Creve Coeur Park (upper level- gravel lot by the tennis courts)
- distances / routes will be decided by the group
-This is a “group run”. The goal is to run together, although we will break into sub groups to accommodate different ability levels

Athletic Physical Exams
Athletic physical exams are scheduled for July 27 from 4-7 pm in the Multipurpose Room. Cost is $25 (cash). Students must RSVP to the activities office (314-213-8058) by July 20.
You will need a current physical in order to participate in any Fall sport at PHS. Physical forms can be picked up from the coaches or in the Activities office at the high school.

Summers End Challenge –July 29th ? – Details under construction, this could be a 12 hour relay or another fun oriented event also involving a lot of running, and a team building experience. (details coming soon and will be announced on the blog when official)

1st day of official practice is August 8th, 2011 (8-9:30 a.m. High School-Under the Bridge)
-You must have a completed sports physical (PHS offers one on July 27th -see above)
- Bring your Training Log

PIRATE MILEAGE CLUBrun 300 or 400 miles over the 10 weeks of summer

How it Works

1) Record your mileage in your running log during the summer. You must include location, distance or time for each run. This is an honor system. Have Integrity.

2) The count starts May 29th and ends the day before our first practice (Aug. 8th)

3) Only one award is allowed per season, but 400 mile club winners may opt for a bowl instead of a T-Shirt.

4) Turn in your completed running log at the first practice


1) You will earn the satisfaction of attaining a goal.

2) You will improve tremendously and reap the benefits of excellent fitness.

3) You will collect a whole summers worth of running adventures and memories.

4) You will earn the following awards:

- 300 miles = a hand-made Pirate Cereal bowl by a local artist/coach, perfect for pre-race breakfast or post-race ice cream.

- 400 miles = an exclusive Pirate Mileage Club T-shirt

Monday, May 9, 2011

2011 Cross Country Season - Kickoff Post and Blog Reactivation

It's been a long and uncertain winter for the Cross Country team coaching staff..we have had some changes, but the skies are clearing to reveal a newly assembled coaching team of which I'm excited to be a member . Sadly, Coach Kern and Coach Lamb will not be returning this season, but I'm sure I speak for both coaches when I say they wish nothing but the best for the team.
I will be returning, but with a different title and under a new coaching structure which I believe is in the best interest for the success of both teams. We are now splitting the Head Coaching position into one specific Head Boys Coach and one specific Head Girls Coach. We will also have at least one Assistant Coach and maybe another, but some details are still being worked out in that area. As the former Head Coach over both teams, I can tell you that there are some great benefits to this new structure which might best be explained by imagining teaching a class of 20 rather than a class of 40. Basically, more time and energy can be delivered to each athlete. Both teams will still share some equipment, training and race locations and the coaches will work together as a Team. However, boys and girls teams will technically have separate leaders.
Without further explanation here is your 2011 Cross CountryCoaching Staff

Boys Head Coach: Coach Jeremiah Simmons
Asst. Coach: Coach Willie Wessels

Girls Head Coach: Coach Scott Fader
Asst. Coach: Coach Kathy Zoll

The summer draws near and with it the unofficial (but critical) beginning of our season. We will have a meeting at the High school after school to give more detailed specifics for summer events.
Put this date on your calendar and be there!

Tuesday May 24th - 2:30 Coach Fader's room G114 - THE OFFICIAL KICKOFF MEETIING -covering summer training, team events and plans for next season

In coming 9th graders interested in Cross Country should email or call their Coaches (see below) to introduce yourself, receive summer info or ask any questions. Also, watch this blog for announcements of upcoming summer activities and other information about the Pattonville Pattonville Cross Country Teams.
Boys Coach - Coach Simmons School Phone: (314) 213-8051 ext. 8907
Girls Coach - Coach Fader School Phone:(314) 213-8051 ext. 8314

Finally, until we post otherwise, this blog will remain the official source of cross country information for both boys and girls team. Now that we are off and rolling again watch for updates on summer events and any changes we may make to this format to better fit both teams.

Happy Running,
Coach Fader