Sunday, November 7, 2010

State Results - End of the season meeting

Last Saturday the Cross Country season officially came to an end with the Missouri State Cross Country Championships in Jefferson City. Racing condiitons were ideal with cool temps, a dry course and as much fanfare as you can imagine. Our lone competitor made the best of her final race and bettered her time from last year by a large margin. Congratulations Hannah on a excellent race and season!

While racing for the season is now over, the Pirate Cross Country season doesn't offically end until we have our awards banquet on November 22. This thursday (Nov. 11) during contact time we will have one final meeting in Coach Fader's room (G114) to go over awards night information, discuss winter running, handout winter training logs, and a few other odds and ends. This is also the time to get those sweats and uniforms turned in if you have not already. Remember you can not recieve your award if your uniform uniform/sweats are not returned.