Thursday, December 31, 2009

Last Post of 2009

OK, so I'm definitely not a frequent blogger. No one reads a blog rarely updated, but now that I've had a chance to lie low for a while and catch my breath form the XC season I think I'll try and get pack to posting at least once a week. I'll officially start with the new year and a couple things I've found to share.

For now I'll simply pass on a cool race opportunity that Coach K passed on to me. The race is called Mud N' Gutz and is a 4k or 8K event held at Jefferson Barracks on Feb. 21. Advertised as european style XC it sounds like great fun. The thing is that the entry fee goes up after January 1. If you happen to read this by New Years day you can still get in for the lower rate. Here is the link for the entry flyer

You can also register through here

That's all for now. I know I'm looking forward to the first run of the year and I hope you are too. More tomorrow..

Have a safe and Happy New Year.
Coach F

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Winter Fun..

The Germans have the right idea. Who says winter running isn't fun.

Check out the links below.

By the way..I'm not encouraging you to do this as I don't want anyone to get hurt, but it sure looks fun.

Enjoy your runs!